Main -> Support -> User Support Procedures

User Support Procedures

Maintenance Contract

For users that have purchased a maintenance contract, the Open SiteSearch Product Support staff requests that our users follow a problem reporting procedure. This process helps us to prioritize our support and classify your software problems. This enables us to offer appropriate response times, aids us in training development, and improves our online software documentation.

Submitting a Problem Report

Users who have purchased an optional maintenance contract for support should follow a problem reporting procedure. This process helps us to prioritize our support and classify your software problems. This enables us to offer appropriate response times, aids us in training development, and improves our online software documentation.When contacting Product Support, please use the Problem Report Form whenever possible to report system or component problems.

Please consider the following priority levels when reporting problems. Make sure to indicate the appropriate priority level when submitting your problem report.

  • Urgent - System down or component is not operational. You should contact Product Support directly by phone at (800) 848-5878, ext. 6414, if your system is not operational.
  • Medium - System bug with any component that does not have a determinable workaround.
  • Low - System bug with a workaround or a configuration problem.

Using the Open SiteSearch Listserv

A public discussion list, the SiteSearch Open Source listserv, has been created to provide existing SiteSearch licensees a forum to collaborate and share product knowledge and SiteSearch development experience with new Open Source users and with each other. Open SiteSearch staff encourages the use of this listserv as a forum for communicating with other SiteSearch users. Use the listserv to post basic questions and suggestions you have about implementing and using the Open SiteSearch software. This list can also be used to share your great ideas for future enhancements and extensions to the software. OCLC SiteSeach staff uses this list to announce new releases and documentation.

The Open SiteSearch staff uses the original SiteSearch listserv ) as a private channel for the SiteSearch staff to communicate with SiteSearch maintenance subscribers. This Open SiteSearch listserv is open to all licensed users. If you are not subscribed or need to add others to the list, please contact Product Support.

Important Note: While the Product Support staff does monitor listserv discussions, we ask that you submit software problems directly to us using the Problem Report Form.

Open Source Support

Open SiteSearch Product Support is available to the Open Source community with the purchase of an optional maintenance contract. Open SiteSearch Open Source Support is available directly from the Open Source community via the SiteSearch Open Source listserv. Members of the Open Source community are responsible for helping each other with support and development issues.

Accessing the SiteSearch Open Source Community

The listserv associated with the Open Source Project is the mechanism for receiving support from the SiteSearch Open Source community. It is also a forum for communicating with other SiteSearch users. Use the listserv to post problems, questions and suggestions you have about implementing and using the Open SiteSearch software. This list can also be used to share your great ideas for future enhancements and extensions to the software. The Open SiteSearch staff uses this list to announce new releases and documentation.


Problem Report Form

Maintenance Contract
Listserv Archives

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Last Modified: August 31, 2007