Main -> Documentation -> OCLC SiteSearch Record Builder -> Customizing DC Templates -> Adding/Removing Qualifiers and Schemes for a DCQ Template

Adding or Removing Qualifiers and Schemes for a DCQ Template



Document Conventions
Adding New Qualifiers and Associated Scheme Values
Adding or Removing Scheme Values for Existing Qualifiers
Removing Existing Qualifiers and Associated Scheme Values


You can add or remove qualifiers and/or scheme values for any element in a DCQ template, including locally-defined elements that you add to the default DCQ template shipped with SiteSearch 4.1.2. An element's schemes and qualifiers appear in the drop-down list to the left of the element's text entry field or drop-down list on Record Builder's Edit Record screen. Click here for a list of the schemes and qualifiers in the DCQ template shipped with SiteSearch 4.1.2.

You may wish to add qualifiers and/or schemes recommended by a Dublin Core Working Group or database-specific schemes or qualifiers unique to your site. If you know that certain qualifiers or schemes delivered with the default DCQ template do not apply to a local database, you can remove them.

Adding or removing qualifiers and/or schemes are two of the supported customizations to DC templates. Ideally, you should add or remove qualifiers and/or scheme values for a database before you add any records to the database.

Document Conventions

  • <WebZ_root> refers to the location of the SiteSearch environment that includes Record Builder.
  • db_name refers to a database's top-level directory, typically <WebZ_root>/dbbuilder/dbs/db_name.
  • namespace refers to an element's XML namespace, an identifier used to ensure uniqueness among XML elements with the same name. Reserved namespaces used in DC templates are DC, RDF, MANTIS, and RB. In a tag used to specify an element, the namespace precedes the element's name and a colon separates the namespace and the element, such as DC:Title or RDF:Value.
  • element_name is an element's name.
  • qualifier_value is the value of a qualifier as you want it to appear on the Edit Record screen.
  • scheme_value is the value of a scheme as you want it to appear on the Edit Record screen.

Adding New Qualifiers and Associated Scheme Values


You add a qualifier for a database at any time. However, metadata specialists must edit records individually to apply new qualifier values and their associated scheme values to existing records.

This procedure explains how to add new qualifier values for one or more elements, including the scheme values associated with each qualifier.

1. Go to field.xml example Click here for an example of the field.xml file in a second browser window. Review the general layout of an element's section in field.xml and the qualifier/scheme relationship in field.xml.

2. Open <WebZ_root>/dbbuilder/dbs/db_name/field.xml with a text editor.

3. Does the element for which you are adding qualifier(s) already have a section in field.xml?

  • Yes.
    • Find the opening tag for the element for which you want to add a qualifier (such as <DC:Identifier>).
    • Review the existing qualifiers and determine where you want to insert the new qualifier.
    • Go to step 5.
  • No. Go to step 4.

4. Begin a new section for the element, beginning with an opening tag:


and ending with a closing tag:



The element's opening and closing tags need to match its opening and closing tags in template.xml.

5. Between the element's opening and closing tags, add an opening tag for the element's qualifier value, like this:



If the element has other qualifier values, make sure that you do not add the new qualifier within an existing qualifier definition.

6. On the next line, add the qualifier's value, like this:



If you want to use "blank" (no qualifier) as a allowable value, do not enter a value between the <RDF:Value></RDF:Value> and tags.

7. Add a section for the first scheme value associated with this qualifier, like this:



If you want to use "blank" (no scheme) as a allowable value, do not enter a value between the <RDF:Value></RDF:Value> and tags.

8. Repeat step 7 for each additional scheme value allowed for the qualifier you defined in step 6. Add the scheme values in the order in which you want them to appear on the element's scheme list on the Edit Record screen.

9. Add a closing tag for the qualifier, like this:


10. Repeat steps 5-9 for any additional qualifier values you wish to add for the element. Add the qualifiers in the order in which you want them to appear on the element's qualifier list on the Edit Record screen. To associate a scheme value with more than one qualifier, add it to the scheme list of each appropriate qualifier.

11. Determine which qualifier/scheme combination you want to set as the default for the element. Add the line shown in dark blue bold text to the scheme section of the qualifier you want to use as the new default, like this:


12. Repeat steps 3-11 for any other elements for which you want to add qualifiers.

13. Do you want to add any scheme values to an existing qualifier, remove scheme values from an existing qualifier, or remove an existing qualifier?

14. Save and close <WebZ_root>/dbbuilder/dbs/db_name/field.xml.

15. Did you add qualifiers and scheme values for new element(s) or existing element(s)?

16. Open Record Builder with a Web browser. Then click the database's workform as if you are creating a new record. When you see the Edit Record screen appears, verify that the new qualifier(s) and their associated scheme values appear in the appropriate drop-down lists. If you also added or removed scheme values for existing qualifiers or removed any qualifiers, make sure that they show up in the appropriate drop-down lists as well.
17. Before you or your metadata specialists add or modify records in the database, stop and then restart Record Builder. Click here for more information for UNIX; click here for more information for Windows NT.

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Adding or Removing Scheme Values for Existing Qualifiers


You add new scheme values for a database's template at any time. However, metadata specialists must edit records individually to apply new scheme values to existing records.

This procedure explains how to add new scheme values or remove scheme values for an existing qualifier value for one or more elements.

1. Open <WebZ_root>/dbbuilder/dbs/db_name/field.xml with a text editor. Go to field.xml example Click here for an example of the field.xml file in a second browser window.

2. Find the element's section in field.xml and the qualifier value for which you want to add or remove scheme value(s).

  • To add a new scheme value, go to step 3.
  • To remove a scheme value, go to step 4.

3. To add a new scheme value, add a section for the new scheme, like this:



(1) If you want to use "blank" (no scheme) as a allowable value, do not enter a value between the <RDF:Value></RDF:Value> and tags.

(2) Add the new scheme value where you want it to appear on the element's scheme list on the Edit Record screen.

4. To remove a scheme value, delete the scheme's section, beginning with its <DC:Scheme> opening tag through its </DC:Scheme> closing tag.


5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for any other scheme values you want to add or remove for this qualifier.

6. Repeat steps 3-5 to add or remove scheme values for another qualifier for this element.

7. Did you remove the element's default qualifier/scheme combination (the one with a <DC:default>true</DC:default> line?

  • Yes. Establish another default qualifier/scheme combination. Add the <DC:default>true</DC:default> line to the scheme section of the qualifier you want to use as the new default, like this:


  • No. Go directly to step 8.

8. Repeat steps 2-7 for any other elements, as needed.

9. Do you want to add any new qualifiers or remove existing qualifiers?

10. Save and close <WebZ_root>/dbbuilder/dbs/db_name/field.xml.
11. Open Record Builder with a Web browser. Then click the database's workform as if you are creating a new record. When you see the Edit Record screen appears, verify that scheme lists for the appropriate element(s) reflect the changes you made. If you also added qualifiers or removed qualifiers, make sure that they show up in the appropriate drop-down lists as well.
12. Before you or your metadata specialists add or modify records in the database, stop and then restart Record Builder. Click here for more information for UNIX; click here for more information for Windows NT.

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Removing Existing Qualifiers and Associated Scheme Values


You can remove qualifier values and their associated scheme values from a database's template at any time. However, metadata specialists must edit records individually to change the qualifier and scheme values in existing records with values you removed from the template.

This procedure explains how to remove existing qualifiers and their associated scheme values from one or more elements.

1. Open <WebZ_root>/dbbuilder/dbs/db_name/field.xml with a text editor. Go to field.xml example Click here for an example of the field.xml file in a second browser window.

2. Find the element's section in field.xml and then the first qualifier that you want to remove.

3. Remove the qualifier's entire section, beginning with its <DC:Qualifier> opening tag through its </DC:Qualifier> opening tag.

Go to field.xml example Click here for an example of a qualifier layout in field.xml in a second browser window.

4. Repeat step 3 for any other qualifiers you want to remove for this element..

5. Did you remove the element's default qualifier/scheme combination (the one with a <DC:default>true</DC:default> line when you removed qualifier(s)?

  • Yes. Establish another default qualifier/scheme combination. Add the <DC:default>true</DC:default> line to the scheme section of the qualifier you want to use as the new default, like this:


  • No. Go directly to step 6.

6. Repeat steps 2-5 for any other elements, as needed.

7. Do you want to add any new qualifiers or add or remove schemes for existing qualifiers?

8. Save and close <WebZ_root>/dbbuilder/dbs/db_name/field.xml.
9. Open Record Builder with a Web browser. Then click the database's workform as if you are creating a new record. When you see the Edit Record screen appears, verify that the new scheme(s) and qualifier(s) appear in the drop-down list. If you also added any new qualifiers or added or removed any scheme values for other qualifiers, make sure that they show up in the appropriate drop-down lists as well.
10. Before you or your metadata specialists add or modify records in the database, stop and then restart Record Builder. Click here for more information for UNIX; click here for more information for Windows NT.

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See Also

Planning a New DC Database
Adding Elements to a DC Template
Record Builder Database Frameworks
Adding or Removing Schemes and Qualifiers for a DC(2) Template

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