Main -> Documentation -> Open SiteSearch Record Builder -> Customizing DC Templates -> field.xml File for DC(2) Databases

field.xml Example for DC(2) Databases



This document contains an example from the Record Builder field.xml file for the DC(2) database framework in SiteSearch 4.1.2 and the general layout of an element's section in the field.xml file for a DC(2) database. The field.xml file for a DC(2) database in SiteSearch 4.1.1 is similar except that:

  • The scheme and default tags have an RB namespace (such as <RB:scheme> and <RB:default>), rather than a DC namespace.
  • The <RB:modifier> tag replaces the <DC:qualifier> tag.

field.xml Example

This graphic shows a part of a field.xml file for a DC(2) database. Click a callout (such as Callout 1) for a description of that item. Descriptions follow the example.

Excerpts from template.xmlGo to 5Go to 1Go to 2Go to 3Go to 4Go to 5Go to 6Go to 7Go to 8Go to 4Go to 5Go to 6



1 8
DC opening (1)and closing (8) tags. Do not remove these tags. All information in field.xml must follow the opening tag and precede the closing tag. This also pertains to sections for locally-defined elements with locally-defined namespaces.
Example of element opening (2 and closing (7) tags that surround the element's scheme and qualifier information. This example is for the DC:Creator element.
Start of scheme definition section (shown in blue) for DC:Creator element. Use these three statements to begin the scheme section. On the Edit Record screen, these statements cause the label "Scheme" to appear at the top of the drop-down list until a metadata specialist selects a scheme value for the element.
Scheme values for DC:Creator element. The values appear in bold text in the example. They appear in the drop-down list in the order that they appear in the element's scheme section in field.xml.
Start of qualifier definition section (shown in green) for DC:Creator element. Use these three statements to begin the qualifier section. On the Edit Record screen, these statements cause the label "Qualifier" to appear at the top of the drop-down list until a metadata specialist selects a qualifier value for the element.
Qualifier values for DC:Creator element. The values appear in bold text in the example. They appear in the drop-down list in the order that they appear in the element's qualifier section in field.xml.

Element Section Layout

The field.xml example illustrates the general layout of an element's section in field.xml for a DC(2) database:

   .... [additional scheme values as needed]

   .... [additional qualifier values as needed]


In SiteSearch 4.1.1:

  • The scheme and default tags have an RB namespace (such as <RB:scheme> and <RB:default>), rather than a DC namespace.
  • The <RB:modifier> tag replaces the <DC:qualifier> tag.

See Also

Adding or Removing Schemes or Qualifiers for a DC(2) Template
Adding Elements to a DC Template
Removing Elements from a DC Template
field.xml File for a DCQ Database

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