Main -> Documentation -> Open SiteSearch Record Builder -> Customizing DC Templates -> field.xml Example for DCQ Databases |
field.xml Example for DCQ Databases
Contents Introduction This document contains two examples from the Record Builder field.xml file for the DCQ database framework in SiteSearch 4.1.2 and the general layout of an element's section in a DCQ field.xml file. The first example illustrates the relationship between an element's qualifiers in field.xml and the qualifier drop-down list for the element on Record Builder's Edit Record screen. The second example illustrates the qualifier/scheme relationships defined in field.xml and the qualifier and scheme drop-down lists on the Edit Record screen. The field.xml file for the DCQ database framework includes a section for each element with qualifiers and schemes. Like the field.xml file for the DC(2) database framework:
field.xml Example Qualifiers An element's section in the field.xml file for a DCQ database lists all qualifiers available for an element. Within the section for each qualifier, it lists all scheme values associated with that qualifier. (See the next example for more information about the scheme values.) The following graphic shows excerpts from the <DC:Identifier> section of field.xml and how Record Builder uses this section of field.xml to populate the qualifier drop-down list for the Identifier field on the DCQ Edit Record screen. Each qualifier's
section begins and ends with <DC:Qualifier> and </DC:Qualifier>
tags, respectively. As indicated by the callouts (
The qualifier
drop-down list for the Identifier element displays these values in the
order they appear in the <DC:Identifier> section of field.xml. field.xml
Example Qualifier/Scheme Relationships The following graphic shows the same excerpt from the <DC:Identifier> section of field.xml but this time it highlights the scheme values associated with each qualifier. It illustrates how Record Builder uses field.xml to populate the scheme drop-down list for the Identifier element based on the qualifier selected from the qualifier drop-down list. The DC:Identifier
element has the same four qualifiers as in the previous graphic, each
marked with a lettered callout ( The scheme values for a qualifier begin after the qualifier value, each bracketed by <DC:Scheme></DC:Scheme> tags. <RDF:Value> </RDF:Value> tags bracket the actual scheme value. The graphic shows the scheme values in dark gray bold text. After a metadata specialist selects a qualifier value, Record Builder displays the scheme values associated with that qualifier in the Scheme drop-down list. The graphic and the following table shows the scheme choices available for each qualifier value.
Element Section Layout in field.xml The field.xml excerpt illustrates the general layout of an element's section in field.xml for a DCQ database:
See Also Adding
or Removing Schemes and Qualifiers for a DCQ Template |