Open SiteSearch 4.1.1

Package ORG.oclc.z39.client

Class Summary
Z39accessControl Z39accessControl creates AccessControl Responses to send to the Z3950 server.
Z39close Z39close creates Close requests.
Z39dedup Z39dedup creates DedupRequests and translates DedupResponses.
Z39delete deleteRequest builds and parses DeleteResultSetRequests.
Z39extsvc Z39extsvc creates extended services requests with an already formulated task package as input and translates responses.
Z39init Z39init creates InitRequests and translates InitResponses.
Z39present Z39present creates PresentRequests and translates PresentResponses.
Z39response Z39response takes a unknown Z39.50 response, identifies it and calls the appropriate routine to examine the response.
Z39scan Z39scan creates ScanRequests and translates ScanResponses.
Z39search Z39search creates SearchRequests and translates SearchResponses.
Z39sort Z39sort creates SortRequests and translates SortResponses.
Z39trc Z39trc creates Trigger Resource Control Requests
zclient zclient is a simple application using the Z39.50 Client API.

Open SiteSearch 4.1.1