Open SiteSearch 4.1.1

Uses of Class

Packages that use Name   

Uses of Name in

Methods in that return Name
 Name Element.getTagName()
          Retrieves the name of the tag as a string.
 Name ElementImpl.getTagName()
          Retrieves the name of the tag as a string.
 Name ElementImpl.qualifyName(String string)
          This is a useful method for creating a qualified Name object from the given string.
 Name Document.getDocType()
          Returns the name specified in the <!DOCTYPE> tag.

Methods in with parameters of type Name
 Object Element.getAttribute(Name n)
          Retrieves an attribute's value given its name.
 void Element.setAttribute(Name name, Object value)
          Sets the attribute of this element.
 void Element.removeAttribute(Name name)
          Deletes an attribute from an element.
 Object ElementImpl.getAttribute(Name attrName)
          Retrieves an attribute's value given its name.
 void ElementImpl.removeAttribute(Name attrName)
          Deletes an attribute from an element.
 void ElementImpl.setAttribute(Name attrName, Object value)
          Sets the attribute of this element.
 boolean ElementImpl.isAttributeQualified(Name attr, DTD dtd)
          Determines if the attribute is qualified.
 Element Document.createElement(Element parent, int type, Name tag, String text)
          Creates a new element for the given element type and tag name using the ElementFactory for this Document.
 void Document.parsedAttribute(Element e, Name name, Object value)
          delegate to contained element factory
 Element Document.getElementDecl(Name name)
          Returns the XML-DATA specification for the named element.
 Element Document.findEntity(Name name)
          Returns the XML-DATA specification for the named entity.
 Element ElementFactoryImpl.createElement(Element parent, int type, Name tag, String text)
          Retrieves a new element for the specified tag and type.
 void ElementFactoryImpl.parsedAttribute(Element e, Name name, Object value)
          this method is called when a new attribute is parsed for the given element.
 Element ElementFactory.createElement(Element parent, int type, Name tag, String text)
          Creates an element with the specified tag for the specified type of element.
 void ElementFactory.parsedAttribute(Element e, Name name, Object value)
          Notification that an attribute just got parsed.

Constructors in with parameters of type Name
ElementImpl.ElementImpl(Name tag, int type)
ElementCollection.ElementCollection(Element root, Name tag, int type)
          Creates a new collection for iterating over the immediate children of the given root node that have matching tag names and/or element types.
ElementEnumeration.ElementEnumeration(Element root, Name tag, int type)
          Creates a new enumerator for enumerating over the immediate children of the given root node that have matching tag names and/or types.

Uses of Name in ORG.oclc.xml.parser

Methods in ORG.oclc.xml.parser that return Name
 Name Entity.getName()
          Retrieves the name of the entity.
 Name Entity.getTagName()
 Name DTD.getDocType()
          Retrieves the name specified in the DOCTYPE tag.
 Name AttDef.getName()
          Return the name of the attribute.
 Name ElementDecl.getName()
          Retrieves the name of the element declaration.

Methods in ORG.oclc.xml.parser with parameters of type Name
 Object Entity.getAttribute(Name attName)
 Entity DTD.findEntity(Name n)
 ElementDecl DTD.findElementDecl(Name name)
          Finds an element declaration for the given tag name.
 Notation DTD.findNotation(Name name)
          Retrieves the named XML notation in the DTD.
 AttDef ElementDecl.findAttDef(Name name)
          Retrieves the attribute definition of the named attribute.

Uses of Name in ORG.oclc.xml.util

Methods in ORG.oclc.xml.util that return Name
static Name Name.create(String name)
          Create an unqualified Name.
static Name Name.create(char[] val, int offset, int len)
static Name Name.create(String name, String ns)
          Create a Name object for the given name and namespace.
static Name Name.create(String name, Atom nameSpace)
          Create a Name object for the given name and namespace where the name and Namespace are already Atoms.
 Name Attribute.getName()
          Return the name.

Methods in ORG.oclc.xml.util with parameters of type Name
 void XMLOutputStream.writeQualifiedName(Name n, Atom ns)
          This method writes out the fully qualified name, using the appropriate short name syntax.
 Object ReadOnlyAttributes.get(Name name)
          Find the named attribute and return the associated value.
 Attribute ReadOnlyAttributes.lookup(Name name)
 void Attributes.remove(Name name)
          Removed the named attribute from the collection.
 Object Attributes.put(Name name, Object value)
          Add a new attribute/value pair, or replace the value for attribute if it already exists.

Constructors in ORG.oclc.xml.util with parameters of type Name
Attribute.Attribute(Name n, Object v)
          Construct attribute with given name and value.

Open SiteSearch 4.1.1