Open SiteSearch 4.1.1

Uses of Interface

Packages that use Element

Uses of Element in ORG.oclc.mantis

Fields in ORG.oclc.mantis declared as Element
 Element ElementInfoObject.self

Methods in ORG.oclc.mantis that return Element
 Element MantisXML.getElement(Element parent, String tag)
          Returns the child element of parent with the matching tagName.
 Element MantisXML.renameAndReturnElement(Element el, String tag)
static Element MantisXML.getStaticElement(Element parent, String tag)
          Returns the child element of parent with the matching tagName.
static Element MantisXML.findChild(Element parent, String tag)
          Returns the child element of parent with the matching tagName or null.
 Element MantisXML.getElement(int elementID)
          Returns the element associatted with the integer provided.
 Element MantisXML.getRightMostSubnode(Element el)
          Get the right most subnode of the specified element.
protected  Element MantisXML.cloneStructure(Element el)
          Copy an Element and all of its subelements, then clean out some of the data that is element specific.
static Element MantisXML.clone(Element el, Document doc)
          Make a copy of the specified element.
static Element MantisXML.clone(Element el, Document doc, boolean preserveLocalData)
 Element MantisXML.getPreviousOfType(Element el)
          Get the previous Element of the same type in the sibling list.
 Element MantisXML.getNextOfType(Element el)
          Gets the next Element of the same type from the sibling list.
 Element MantisXML.addMantisTreeID(Document doc, Element el, boolean parentProtected)

Methods in ORG.oclc.mantis with parameters of type Element
 void MantisHook.setupArgs(Element hook_el, MantisXML xmltree)
 boolean action, Element el, MantisXML xmltree)
 void MantisHook.addError(Element parent, String message)
 void MantisHook.addWarning(Element parent, String message)
static ElementInfoObject ElementInfoObject.getElementInfo(Element el)
static ElementInfoObject ElementInfoObject.getElementInfo(Element el, boolean templateEditor)
static ElementInfoObject ElementInfoObject.getElementInfo(Element el, boolean templateEditor, boolean getChildren)
 void TemplateEditor.stripIDs(Element el)
protected  boolean CreateHTMLTemplate.isVisible(Element el)
protected  boolean CreateHTMLTemplate.hasChildElements(Element el)
protected  String CreateHTMLTemplate.getValue(Element el, String tag)
protected  String[] CreateHTMLTemplate.getMantisColor(Element el)
protected  String[] CreateHTMLTemplate.getMantisHeader(Element el)
protected  String CreateHTMLTemplate.getMantisImage(Element el)
protected  Vector CreateHTMLTemplate.getMantisList(Element el)
protected  String[] CreateHTMLTemplate.getMantisHelp(Element el)
protected  String CreateHTMLTemplate.getLabelName(Element el)
protected  String CreateHTMLTemplate.getMantisWidth(Element el)
protected  String CreateHTMLTemplate.getMantisHeight(Element el)
protected  void CreateHTMLTemplate.displayLabel(Element el, StringBuffer buf, StringBuffer out)
protected  void CreateHTMLTemplate.displaySpacingElements(Element el, StringBuffer out)
protected  void CreateHTMLTemplate.displayUneditable(Element el, StringBuffer out, String path)
protected  void CreateHTMLTemplate.displayContentLabel(Element el, StringBuffer buf, StringBuffer out)
protected  void CreateHTMLTemplate.displayListbox(Element el, StringBuffer out, String path)
protected  void CreateHTMLTemplate.displayTextarea(Element el, StringBuffer out, String path)
protected  void CreateHTMLTemplate.displayTextbox(Element el, StringBuffer out, String path)
protected  void CreateHTMLTemplate.displayReplicable(Element el, StringBuffer out, String path)
protected  boolean CreateHTMLTemplate.containsElement(Element el, String tag)
protected  boolean CreateHTMLTemplate.isDisplayType(Element el, String type)
protected  boolean CreateHTMLTemplate.isProtectedNamespace(Element el)
protected  void CreateHTMLTemplate.createHTML(StringBuffer out, int level, String entity, Element el)
 boolean MantisXML.isDisplayType(Element el, String type)
          Returns the results of a display check.
protected static boolean MantisXML.isProtectedNamespace(Element el)
          Check to see if an element is in a protected namespace.
protected  boolean MantisXML.isFirstOfType(Element el)
          Check to see if there are other elements of the same type before the specified element in the parent's child list.
protected  boolean MantisXML.isLastOfType(Element el)
          Check to see if there are other elements of the same type after the specified element in the parent's child list.
 boolean MantisXML.hookWasClicked(Element el)
          Check to see if a hook was clicked by the user.
static String MantisXML.toSGML(Element el)
 String MantisXML.display(Element el)
          Footprint into display.
static DataDir[] MantisXML.fromNative(DataDir dir, Element el, TagFile tf, Hashtable user, MantisUtil mu)
          Scans the immediate children of el for any that are hooks and runs the fromNative method of any hook it finds.
static DataDir MantisXML.toNative(DataDir dir, DataDir native_dir, Element el, TagFile tf, Hashtable user, MantisUtil mu)
static DataDir MantisXML.remap(DataDir dir, Element el, TagFile tf, Hashtable user)
static DataDir MantisXML.update(DataDir dir, Element el, TagFile tf, Hashtable user, MantisUtil mu)
static DataDir MantisXML.exportMARC(DataDir dir, Element el, TagFile tf, Hashtable user, MantisUtil mu)
 void MantisXML.updateTemplate(DataPairs widgets, Element el)
          Walk the element tree and get the corresponding values from the widgets.
 void MantisXML.updateTree(Element el, DataPairs widgets, int actionNode, String action, boolean templateEditor)
          Footprint into updateTree.
 void MantisXML.updateTree(Element el, int actionNode, String action, boolean templateEditor)
          Updates an element tree with updates provided from the widgets, as well as from the action generated from the user.
 void MantisXML.removeTokens(Element el)
 Element MantisXML.getElement(Element parent, String tag)
          Returns the child element of parent with the matching tagName.
 void MantisXML.renameElement(Element el, String tag)
 Element MantisXML.renameAndReturnElement(Element el, String tag)
static Element MantisXML.getStaticElement(Element parent, String tag)
          Returns the child element of parent with the matching tagName.
static Element MantisXML.findChild(Element parent, String tag)
          Returns the child element of parent with the matching tagName or null.
 String MantisXML.getElementID(Element el)
          Get an element's ID as it would appear in HTML display.
 void MantisXML.toggleSection(Element el, int node)
          Toggles the section element value for the element associatted with the integer node.
 void MantisXML.setElement(Element el, int id)
          Set an element mapping between an element and how it is displayed on an HTML page.
 void MantisXML.removeElement(Element el)
          Remove an element from the from the hashtable
 void MantisXML.remakeHash(Element el)
          Get the data corresponding to the given element.
static String MantisXML.getValue(Element el)
static String MantisXML.getValue(Element el, String tag)
 int MantisXML.levelsIn(Element el)
          Determine the depth of an element in the document.
 Element MantisXML.getRightMostSubnode(Element el)
          Get the right most subnode of the specified element.
 void MantisXML.getMantisLists(Element el)
          Collect all the lists that are specified in the element tree.
 void MantisXML.increaseHeight(Element el)
          Increase the value of an Element's MANTIS:height tag.
 void MantisXML.decreaseHeight(Element el)
          Decrease the value of an Element's MANTIS:height tag.
 void MantisXML.widerWidth(Element el)
          Increase the value of an Element's MANTIS:width tag.
 void MantisXML.narrowerWidth(Element el)
          Decrease the value of an Element's MANTIS:width tag.
 void MantisXML.changeElementDisplay(Element el, String type)
          Change the display type of an element.
 void MantisXML.addNode(Element el, String id)
          Add an exact replicate of the specified element (minus the data) to the parent's child list.
protected  Element MantisXML.cloneStructure(Element el)
          Copy an Element and all of its subelements, then clean out some of the data that is element specific.
static Element MantisXML.clone(Element el, Document doc)
          Make a copy of the specified element.
static Element MantisXML.clone(Element el, Document doc, boolean preserveLocalData)
static void MantisXML.clean(Element el)
          Removes element specific data from the Element and all its subelements.
 void MantisXML.cleanLocalData(Element el)
static void MantisXML.cleanNonMantisElements(Element el)
 void MantisXML.setValue(Element el, String value)
          Footprint into setValue
 void MantisXML.setValue(Element el, String value, boolean templateEditor)
          Set the value of an Element with a specified value.
static void MantisXML.setStaticValue(Element el, String value, boolean templateEditor, boolean marc)
          Try to get rid of this method.
protected  void MantisXML.removeNode(Element el)
          Removes an Element from its parent.
 Element MantisXML.getPreviousOfType(Element el)
          Get the previous Element of the same type in the sibling list.
 Element MantisXML.getNextOfType(Element el)
          Gets the next Element of the same type from the sibling list.
protected  void MantisXML.moveNodeOut(Element el)
          Moves an Element out one level in the XML tree if it is not a direct child of the root node.
protected  void MantisXML.moveNodeUp(Element el)
          Moves an Element up one level in the XML tree if it is not the first Element of type ELEMENT in the sibling list.
protected  void MantisXML.moveNodeDown(Element el)
          Moves an Element down one level in the XML tree if it is not the last Element of type ELEMENT in the sibling list.
protected  void MantisXML.moveNodeIn(Element el)
          Moves an Element in one level in the XML tree if it not the first Element of type ELEMENT in its sibling list.
static String MantisXML.getRDFValue(Element el)
          Get the RDF:Value data from a specified Element.
 ElementInfoObject MantisXML.getElementInfo(Element el)
          Get an ElementInfoObject containg data from the specified element and all of its children.
 ElementInfoObject MantisXML.getElementInfo(Element el, boolean templateEditor)
 Element MantisXML.addMantisTreeID(Document doc, Element el, boolean parentProtected)
static boolean MantisUtil.containsImport(Document doc, Element el, XMLTranslater trans)
static void MantisUtil.doImport(Document doc, Element el, XMLTranslater trans)
static void MantisUtil.reallyDoImport(Document doc, Element el, XMLTranslater trans)

Uses of Element in ORG.oclc.mantis.hooks

Methods in ORG.oclc.mantis.hooks that return Element
static Element HookUtil.findLocalDataFor(Element el, String inst, MantisXML xmltree, boolean doClone)
static Element HookUtil.findLocalDataFor(Element el, String inst, MantisXML xmltree, boolean doClone, String prefix)

Methods in ORG.oclc.mantis.hooks with parameters of type Element
 boolean action, Element el, MantisXML xmltree)
 boolean action, Element el, MantisXML xmltree)
 boolean action, Element el, MantisXML xmltree)
 boolean action, Element el, MantisXML xmltree)
 boolean action, Element el, MantisXML xmltree)
 boolean action, Element el, MantisXML xmltree)
 boolean action, Element el, MantisXML xmltree)
 boolean action, Element el, MantisXML xmltree)
 boolean action, Element el, MantisXML xmltree)
 boolean action, Element el, MantisXML xmltree)
 boolean action, Element el, MantisXML xmltree)
 boolean action, Element el, MantisXML xmltree)
 boolean action, Element el, MantisXML xmltree)
 boolean action, Element el, MantisXML xmltree)
static void HookUtil.listChildren(Element el)
static Element HookUtil.findLocalDataFor(Element el, String inst, MantisXML xmltree, boolean doClone)
static Element HookUtil.findLocalDataFor(Element el, String inst, MantisXML xmltree, boolean doClone, String prefix)
static boolean HookUtil.hasPrivate(Element el, MantisXML xmltree, String prefix)
static void HookUtil.deleteLocalData(Element el)
static void HookUtil.deleteLocalData(Element el, String prefix)
static void HookUtil.cleanLocalData(Element el)
static void HookUtil.cleanLocalData(Element el, String prefix)
 boolean action, Element el, MantisXML xmltree)
 boolean action, Element el, MantisXML xmltree)
 boolean action, Element el, MantisXML xmltree)
 boolean action, Element el, MantisXML xmltree)
 boolean action, Element el, MantisXML xmltree)
 boolean action, Element el, MantisXML xmltree)
 boolean action, Element el, MantisXML xmltree)
 boolean action, Element el, MantisXML xmltree)
 boolean action, Element el, MantisXML xmltree)
 boolean action, Element el, MantisXML xmltree)
 boolean action, Element el, MantisXML xmltree)

Uses of Element in ORG.oclc.mantisbase.util

Methods in ORG.oclc.mantisbase.util that return Element
 Element XMLTranslater.toElement(DataDir dir)
static Element XMLTranslater.cloneElement(Element el, Document doc)
static Element XMLTranslater.findChild(Element parent, String tag)

Methods in ORG.oclc.mantisbase.util with parameters of type Element
 void XMLTranslater.merge(Element template, DataDir data, Element newdoc, Document rootdoc)
 void XMLTranslater.merge(Element template, DataDir data, Element newdoc, Document rootdoc, boolean marc)
static String XMLTranslater.getRDFValue(Element el)
 DataDir XMLTranslater.toDir(Element root)
static String XMLTranslater.toSGML(Element el)
 Vector XMLTranslater.getLeafNodes(Element el)
static Element XMLTranslater.cloneElement(Element el, Document doc)
static String XMLTranslater.getValue(Element el, String tag)
static Element XMLTranslater.findChild(Element parent, String tag)
static Vector XMLTranslater.findAllChildren(Element parent, String tag)

Uses of Element in

Classes in that implement Element
 class Document
          This class implements an XML document, which can be thought of as the root of a tree.
 class ElementImpl
          This class represents the default implementation of the Element interface.

Methods in that return Element
 Element Element.getParent()
          Retrieves the parent of this element.
 Element Element.getChild(int index)
          Retrieves the child element by index.
 Element Element.toSchema()
          Returns the XML-DATA specification for the DTD element.
 Element ElementImpl.getParent()
          Retrieves the parent of this element.
 Element ElementImpl.getChild(int index)
          Retrieves the child element by index.
 Element ElementImpl.toSchema()
          Returns the XML-DATA specification for the DTD element.
 Element Document.getParent()
          Retrieves the parent element.
 Element Document.getRoot()
          Retrieves the root node of the XML parse tree.
 Element Document.createElement(Element parent, int type, Name tag, String text)
          Creates a new element for the given element type and tag name using the ElementFactory for this Document.
 Element Document.createElement(int type, String tag)
          Creates a new element for the given element type and tag name.
 Element Document.createElement(int type)
          Creates a new element for a given element type with a null tag name.
 Element Document.getElementDecl(Name name)
          Returns the XML-DATA specification for the named element.
 Element Document.findEntity(Name name)
          Returns the XML-DATA specification for the named entity.
 Element ElementCollection.getChild(int index)
          Retrieves a specified item from the collection by index.
 Element ElementCollection.item(String name, int index)
          Retrieves a specified item from the collection of matching items.
 Element ElementFactoryImpl.createElement(Element parent, int type, Name tag, String text)
          Retrieves a new element for the specified tag and type.
 Element ElementFactory.createElement(Element parent, int type, Name tag, String text)
          Creates an element with the specified tag for the specified type of element.

Methods in with parameters of type Element
 void Element.addChild(Element elem, Element after)
          Adds a child to this element.
 void Element.addChild(Element elem, int pos, int reserved)
          Adds a child to this element.
 void Element.removeChild(Element elem)
          Removes a child element from the tree.
 void Element.setParent(Element parent)
          Sets the parent of this element.
 void ElementImpl.setParent(Element parent)
          Sets the parent of this element.
 void ElementImpl.addChild(Element elem, Element after)
          Adds a child to this element.
 void ElementImpl.addChild(Element elem, int pos, int reserved)
          Adds a child to this element.
 void ElementImpl.removeChild(Element elem)
          Removes a child element from the tree.
 void Document.addChild(Element elem, Element after)
          Adds a child Element to the document.
 void Document.removeChild(Element elem)
          Removes the specified child Element from the Document.
 Element Document.createElement(Element parent, int type, Name tag, String text)
          Creates a new element for the given element type and tag name using the ElementFactory for this Document.
 void Document.parsed(Element e)
          Called when the given element is completely parsed.
 void Document.parsedAttribute(Element e, Name name, Object value)
          delegate to contained element factory
 Element ElementFactoryImpl.createElement(Element parent, int type, Name tag, String text)
          Retrieves a new element for the specified tag and type.
 void ElementFactoryImpl.parsed(Element elem)
          This method is called when the element is fully parsed.
 void ElementFactoryImpl.parsedAttribute(Element e, Name name, Object value)
          this method is called when a new attribute is parsed for the given element.
 Element ElementFactory.createElement(Element parent, int type, Name tag, String text)
          Creates an element with the specified tag for the specified type of element.
 void ElementFactory.parsed(Element elem)
          Notifies that the element is fully parsed.
 void ElementFactory.parsedAttribute(Element e, Name name, Object value)
          Notification that an attribute just got parsed.

Constructors in with parameters of type Element
TreeEnumeration.TreeEnumeration(Element node)
          Creates new iterator for iterating over all of the children of the given root node.
TreeEnumeration.TreeEnumeration(Element node, boolean enumDir)
SiblingEnumeration.SiblingEnumeration(Element node)
          Creates new iterator for iterating over all of the children of the given root node.
SiblingEnumeration.SiblingEnumeration(Element node, boolean enumDir)
ElementDeclEnumeration.ElementDeclEnumeration(Element e)
          Creates new enumerator for enumerating over all of the children of the given root node.
ElementCollection.ElementCollection(Element root)
          Creates new collection object for given element.
ElementCollection.ElementCollection(Element root, Name tag, int type)
          Creates a new collection for iterating over the immediate children of the given root node that have matching tag names and/or element types.
ElementEnumeration.ElementEnumeration(Element root)
          Creates a new enumerator for enumerating over all of the children of the given root node.
ElementEnumeration.ElementEnumeration(Element root, Name tag, int type)
          Creates a new enumerator for enumerating over the immediate children of the given root node that have matching tag names and/or types.

Uses of Element in ORG.oclc.xml.parser

Classes in ORG.oclc.xml.parser that implement Element
 class ElementDecl
          The class represents an element declaration in an XML Document Type Definition (DTD).
 class Entity
          This class implements an Entity object representing an XML internal or external entity as defined in the XML Document Type Definition (DTD).
 class Notation
          This class implements an entity object representing an XML notation.

Methods in ORG.oclc.xml.parser that return Element
 Element Notation.toSchema()
 Element ContentModel.toSchema()
 Element DTD.getSchema()
          Convert everything stored in the DTD to schema.
 Element ElementDecl.toSchema()

Methods in ORG.oclc.xml.parser with parameters of type Element
 void Parser.parse(URL url, ElementFactory factory, DTD dtd, Element root, boolean caseInsensitive, boolean loadExt)
          Parses the XML document pointed to by the given URL and creates the corresponding XML document hierarchy.
 void Parser.parse(InputStream in, ElementFactory factory, DTD dtd, Element root, boolean caseInsensitive, boolean loadExt)
          Parses the XML from given input stream.

Constructors in ORG.oclc.xml.parser with parameters of type Element
ElementDeclEnumeration.ElementDeclEnumeration(Element e)
          Creates new enumerator for enumerating over all of the children of the given root node.

Open SiteSearch 4.1.1