Open SiteSearch 4.1.1 Final |
Packages that use MantisXML | |
ORG.oclc.mantis | |
ORG.oclc.mantis.hooks |
Uses of MantisXML in ORG.oclc.mantis |
Fields in ORG.oclc.mantis declared as MantisXML | |
MantisXML |
Methods in ORG.oclc.mantis with parameters of type MantisXML | |
MantisInfo |
MantisHook.getInfo(MantisXML xmltree)
void |
MantisHook.preExport(MantisXML xmltree,
Document xmldoc)
String |
MantisHook.export(MantisXML xmltree,
Document xmldoc,
String action)
String |
MantisHook.view(MantisXML xmltree,
Document xmldoc,
String action)
String |
MantisHook.display(String action,
ElementInfoObject eio,
MantisXML xmltree,
boolean editable,
boolean templateEditor,
StringBuffer buf,
String id)
String |
MantisHook.displayHeader(String action,
ElementInfoObject eio,
MantisXML xmltree,
boolean editable,
boolean templateEditor,
StringBuffer buf,
String id)
String |
MantisHook.displayError(String action,
ElementInfoObject eio,
MantisXML xmltree,
boolean editable,
boolean templateEditor,
StringBuffer buf,
String id)
String |
MantisHook.displayWarning(String action,
ElementInfoObject eio,
MantisXML xmltree,
boolean editable,
boolean templateEditor,
StringBuffer buf,
String id)
String |
MantisHook.displayLabel(String action,
ElementInfoObject eio,
MantisXML xmltree,
boolean editable,
boolean templateEditor,
StringBuffer buf,
String id)
String |
MantisHook.displayDataCheck(String action,
ElementInfoObject eio,
MantisXML xmltree,
boolean editable,
boolean templateEditor,
StringBuffer buf,
String id)
String |
MantisHook.displayHook(String action,
ElementInfoObject eio,
MantisXML xmltree,
boolean editable,
boolean templateEditor,
StringBuffer buf,
String id)
String |
MantisHook.displayHeading(String action,
ElementInfoObject eio,
MantisXML xmltree,
boolean editable,
boolean templateEditor,
StringBuffer buf,
String id)
String |
MantisHook.displayTableCell(String action,
ElementInfoObject eio,
MantisXML xmltree,
boolean editable,
boolean templateEditor,
StringBuffer buf,
String id)
String |
MantisHook.displayEnlarger(String action,
ElementInfoObject eio,
MantisXML xmltree,
boolean editable,
boolean templateEditor,
StringBuffer buf,
String id)
String |
MantisHook.displayReplicable(String action,
ElementInfoObject eio,
MantisXML xmltree,
boolean editable,
boolean templateEditor,
StringBuffer buf,
String id)
String |
MantisHook.displaySpacingElements(String action,
ElementInfoObject eio,
MantisXML xmltree,
boolean editable,
boolean templateEditor,
StringBuffer buf,
String id)
String |
MantisHook.displayContent(String action,
ElementInfoObject eio,
MantisXML xmltree,
boolean editable,
boolean templateEditor,
StringBuffer buf,
String id)
String |
MantisHook.displayContentLabel(String action,
ElementInfoObject eio,
MantisXML xmltree,
boolean editable,
boolean templateEditor,
StringBuffer buf,
String id)
String |
MantisHook.displayContentAnchor(String action,
ElementInfoObject eio,
MantisXML xmltree,
boolean editable,
boolean templateEditor,
StringBuffer buf,
String id)
String |
MantisHook.displayContentMailto(String action,
ElementInfoObject eio,
MantisXML xmltree,
boolean editable,
boolean templateEditor,
StringBuffer buf,
String id)
String |
MantisHook.displayContentValue(String action,
ElementInfoObject eio,
MantisXML xmltree,
boolean editable,
boolean templateEditor,
StringBuffer buf,
String id)
void |
MantisHook.setupArgs(Element hook_el,
MantisXML xmltree)
boolean |
MantisHook.run(String action,
Element el,
MantisXML xmltree)
void |
MantisXML.preExport(MantisXML xmltree,
Document xmldoc)
HookData |
MantisXML.export(MantisXML xmltree,
Document xmldoc,
String action)
HookData |
MantisXML.view(MantisXML xmltree,
Document xmldoc,
String action)
Uses of MantisXML in ORG.oclc.mantis.hooks |
Methods in ORG.oclc.mantis.hooks with parameters of type MantisXML | |
boolean |
CompleteTagNameHook.run(String action,
Element el,
MantisXML xmltree)
boolean |
FormatDateHook.run(String action,
Element el,
MantisXML xmltree)
MantisInfo |
ERESInfo.getInfo(MantisXML xmltree)
boolean |
VerifyNumericHook.run(String action,
Element el,
MantisXML xmltree)
String |
MARCBigControlHook.display(String action,
ElementInfoObject eio,
MantisXML xmltree,
boolean editable,
boolean templateEditor,
StringBuffer buf,
String id)
boolean |
MARCBigControlHook.run(String action,
Element el,
MantisXML xmltree)
boolean |
RequiredFieldHook.run(String action,
Element el,
MantisXML xmltree)
boolean |
ElementNameHook.run(String action,
Element el,
MantisXML xmltree)
MantisInfo |
ARCHInfo.getInfo(MantisXML xmltree)
String |
SearchArchiveHook.displayTableCell(String action,
ElementInfoObject eio,
MantisXML xmltree,
boolean editable,
boolean templateEditor,
StringBuffer buf,
String id)
boolean |
VerifyUSZipCodeHook.run(String action,
Element el,
MantisXML xmltree)
boolean |
CheckURLHook.run(String action,
Element el,
MantisXML xmltree)
String |
MARCBigHook.display(String action,
ElementInfoObject eio,
MantisXML xmltree,
boolean editable,
boolean templateEditor,
StringBuffer buf,
String id)
boolean |
MARCBigHook.run(String action,
Element el,
MantisXML xmltree)
boolean |
MantisRaggedHook.run(String action,
Element el,
MantisXML xmltree)
String |
CORCHeaderHook.displayHeader(String action,
ElementInfoObject eio,
MantisXML xmltree,
boolean editable,
boolean templateEditor,
StringBuffer buf,
String id)
MantisInfo |
SaveInfo.getInfo(MantisXML xmltree)
String |
MARCControlHook.display(String action,
ElementInfoObject eio,
MantisXML xmltree,
boolean editable,
boolean templateEditor,
StringBuffer buf,
String id)
boolean |
MARCControlHook.run(String action,
Element el,
MantisXML xmltree)
String |
URL.displayContentValue(String action,
ElementInfoObject eio,
MantisXML xmltree,
boolean editable,
boolean templateEditor,
StringBuffer buf,
String id)
String |
URL.displayTableCell(String action,
ElementInfoObject eio,
MantisXML xmltree,
boolean editable,
boolean templateEditor,
StringBuffer buf,
String id)
String |
URL.displayReplicable(String action,
ElementInfoObject eio,
MantisXML xmltree,
boolean editable,
boolean templateEditor,
StringBuffer buf,
String id)
boolean |
URL.run(String action,
Element el,
MantisXML xmltree)
String |
Auth.displayContentValue(String action,
ElementInfoObject eio,
MantisXML xmltree,
boolean editable,
boolean templateEditor,
StringBuffer buf,
String id)
String |
Auth.displayTableCell(String action,
ElementInfoObject eio,
MantisXML xmltree,
boolean editable,
boolean templateEditor,
StringBuffer buf,
String id)
String |
Auth.displayReplicable(String action,
ElementInfoObject eio,
MantisXML xmltree,
boolean editable,
boolean templateEditor,
StringBuffer buf,
String id)
boolean |
Auth.run(String action,
Element el,
MantisXML xmltree)
boolean |
VerifyJassiIndexHook.run(String action,
Element el,
MantisXML xmltree)
static Element |
HookUtil.findLocalDataFor(Element el,
String inst,
MantisXML xmltree,
boolean doClone)
static Element |
HookUtil.findLocalDataFor(Element el,
String inst,
MantisXML xmltree,
boolean doClone,
String prefix)
static boolean |
HookUtil.hasPrivate(Element el,
MantisXML xmltree,
String prefix)
String |
DropDownSetup.display(String action,
ElementInfoObject eio,
MantisXML xmltree,
boolean editable,
boolean templateEditor,
StringBuffer buf,
String id)
boolean |
DropDownSetup.run(String action,
Element el,
MantisXML xmltree)
String |
DCURLHook.displayContentLabel(String action,
ElementInfoObject eio,
MantisXML xmltree,
boolean editable,
boolean templateEditor,
StringBuffer buf,
String id)
String |
DCURLHook.displayLabel(String action,
ElementInfoObject eio,
MantisXML xmltree,
boolean editable,
boolean templateEditor,
StringBuffer buf,
String id)
String |
DCURLHook.displayContentValue(String action,
ElementInfoObject eio,
MantisXML xmltree,
boolean editable,
boolean templateEditor,
StringBuffer buf,
String id)
String |
DCURLHook.displayTableCell(String action,
ElementInfoObject eio,
MantisXML xmltree,
boolean editable,
boolean templateEditor,
StringBuffer buf,
String id)
String |
DCURLHook.displayReplicable(String action,
ElementInfoObject eio,
MantisXML xmltree,
boolean editable,
boolean templateEditor,
StringBuffer buf,
String id)
boolean |
DCURLHook.run(String action,
Element el,
MantisXML xmltree)
boolean |
NextPage.run(String action,
Element el,
MantisXML xmltree)
boolean |
CollapseSpaceHook.run(String action,
Element el,
MantisXML xmltree)
String |
RBInfoDisplay.display(String action,
ElementInfoObject eio,
MantisXML xmltree,
boolean editable,
boolean templateEditor,
StringBuffer buf,
String id)
boolean |
RBInfoDisplay.run(String action,
Element el,
MantisXML xmltree)
String |
DCElementHook.displayContentLabel(String action,
ElementInfoObject eio,
MantisXML xmltree,
boolean editable,
boolean templateEditor,
StringBuffer buf,
String id)
String |
DCElementHook.displayLabel(String action,
ElementInfoObject eio,
MantisXML xmltree,
boolean editable,
boolean templateEditor,
StringBuffer buf,
String id)
String |
DCElementHook.displayReplicable(String action,
ElementInfoObject eio,
MantisXML xmltree,
boolean editable,
boolean templateEditor,
StringBuffer buf,
String id)
boolean |
DCElementHook.run(String action,
Element el,
MantisXML xmltree)
boolean |
VersionHook.run(String action,
Element el,
MantisXML xmltree)
boolean |
VerifyHREFHook.run(String action,
Element el,
MantisXML xmltree)
String |
MARCHook.display(String action,
ElementInfoObject eio,
MantisXML xmltree,
boolean editable,
boolean templateEditor,
StringBuffer buf,
String id)
boolean |
MARCHook.run(String action,
Element el,
MantisXML xmltree)
boolean |
FormatLabelHook.run(String action,
Element el,
MantisXML xmltree)
MantisInfo |
DCInfo.getInfo(MantisXML xmltree)
boolean |
NoSpaceHook.run(String action,
Element el,
MantisXML xmltree)
Open SiteSearch 4.1.1 Final |