Open SiteSearch 4.1.1

Package ORG.oclc.isoill

Class Summary
IllAnswer The IllAnswer class contains the data received as an ILLAnswer APDU.
IllPatronInfo The IllPatronInfo class contains all of the patron data needed to send an IllRequestApdu to OCLC ILL.
IllRequest The IllRequest class sends an ISOILL 10161 request to OCLC ILL.
IllRequestApdu The IllRequestApdu class takes an ILLRequest object (containing IllPatronInfo and IllTxnInfo) and converts it to an ASN1/BER directory tree.
IllSession The IllSession object contains information about the user's connection with an ILL Server.
IllStatusOrErrorReport The IllStatusOrErrorReport class contains the data received as an IllStatusOrErrorReport APDU.
IllTxnInfo The IllTxnInfo class contains the bibliographic data and the transaction-specific data for an IsoIllRequest.
IsoIll This file contains the field ids for ISO 10161 BER records Corresponds to ISOILL.H
LocationsLoader The LocationsLoader class is executed prior to normal operation of JaSSI and reads the JaSSI configuration file.

Open SiteSearch 4.1.1