Open SiteSearch 4.1.1

Uses of Class

Packages that use Db

Uses of Db in ORG.oclc.db

Subclasses of Db in ORG.oclc.db
 class DbDeleted
 class DbNewton
          DbNewton searches a local Newton database.
 class DbRemoteZ
          DbRemoteZ searches/retrieves/scans a remote Z39.50 database.

Fields in ORG.oclc.db declared as Db
protected  Db[] Db.parents

Methods in ORG.oclc.db that return Db
static Db Db.SetupDatabase(IniFile inifile, String which)
          Use this to create a Db object.
static Db Db.SetupDatabase(Db[] dbs, String name)
          Use this to create a new merged Db from an array of existing Dbs.
static Db Db.getDb(String[] DbList)
          Get a Db object for this database name.
protected static Db Db.openDb(IniFile ini, String dbSection)
          Open a database.

Methods in ORG.oclc.db with parameters of type Db
static Db Db.SetupDatabase(Db[] dbs, String name)
          Use this to create a new merged Db from an array of existing Dbs.
 DataDir IDbExtSvc.doService(ExtSvcData esData, ExtSvcHandler esHandler, Object userData, Db dbObect)
          Processes an Extended Services request for the input task package and returns a response task package DataDir object.

Uses of Db in ORG.oclc.mantis

Methods in ORG.oclc.mantis with parameters of type Db
 String IRecordId.runit(Db dbObject, DataDir rec)
          Executes the class being dynamically loaded using the input parameter dbObject.

Uses of Db in ORG.oclc.mantis.util

Methods in ORG.oclc.mantis.util with parameters of type Db
 String GetRecordIdFromFile.runit(Db dbObject, DataDir rec)
          Executes the class being dynamically loaded using the input parameter dbObject.
 String SaveIdFromFile.runit(Db dbObject, DataDir rec)
          Executes the class being dynamically loaded using the input parameter dbObject and record data to construct and ID.

Uses of Db in ORG.oclc.util

Methods in ORG.oclc.util with parameters of type Db
 DataDir BatchNewtonUpdate.doService(ExtSvcData esdata, ExtSvcHandler eshandler, Object userdata, Db dbobject)
          Processes an Extended Services Database Update request.
 DataDir BatchNewtonUpdateForNT.doService(ExtSvcData esdata, ExtSvcHandler eshandler, Object userdata, Db dbobject)
          Processes an Extended Services Database Update request.

Open SiteSearch 4.1.1