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Java Usage Statement

Usage: java [-options] class

where options include:

    -help               print out this message
    -version            print out the build version
    -t                  turn on instruction tracing
    -tm                 turn on method tracing
    -v -verbose         turn on verbose mode
    -debug              enable remote JAVA debugging
    -noasyncgc          don't allow asynchronous garbage collection
    -verbosegc          print a message when garbage collection occurs
    -noclassgc          disable class garbage collection
    -cs -checksource    check if source is newer when loading classes
    -ss(number)         set the maximum native stack size for any thread
    -oss(number)        set the maximum Java stack size for any thread
    -ms(number)         set the initial Java heap size
    -mx(number)         set the maximum Java heap size
    -D(name)=(value)    set a system property 
    -classpath (directories separated by colons)
                        list directories in which to look for classes
    -prof[:(file)]      output profiling data to ./ or ./(file)
    -verify             verify all classes when read in
    -verifyremote       verify classes read in over the network [default]
    -noverify           do not verify any class


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