Main -> Documentation -> The WebZ Interface -> WebZ Rules-Based Formatting -> Formatting Specifications

Formatting Specifications


Three basic types of constructs called formatting specifications are used in WebZ rules-based formatting. They are defined inside various formatting configuration files for the WebZ interface and are the building blocks of rules-based formatting functionality. This topic discusses these three specifications by providing definitions, examples, and the syntax for each of them.

Display Specifications
Rule Specifications
Field Specifications

Display Specifications

A display specification is one of two important formatting constructs in a formatting configuration file. It is a set of instructions that creates the elements in a display by ultimately executing a series of Java classes known as "formatting rules."

Example Display Specification:

characterset = ASCII/EBCDIC/UTF8/ASIS
doHtmlDiacritics = true
rule* = bookmarkFromBrief
rule* = recordnumber
rule* = dataLabel
rule* = brieftitle
rule* = briefauthor
rule* = databaseName
rule* = briefdate
rule* = updateCurrecno
rule* = dataTrailer

The display specification above was extracted from the MarcArticleFormats.ini file for the WebZ Out-of-the-Box Interface (OBI), version 1.

Syntax of a Display Specification

The following table breaks down the syntax of a display specification into its possible parameters.



[section name]

This identifies the particular set of rules that correspond to a format type listed under the [Formats] section in a database configuration file. (See the diagram under Display Formatting Configuration Files for an illustration of the relationship between the section name for a display specification and the format type in a database configuration file.)

characterset (optional) This parameter defines the character set of the input data. ASCII is the default
doHtmlDiacritics (optional) This parameter defines whether the data is to be displayed as HTML (true) or as text (false). The default is true, however, it should be set to false in a TEXT display for email or print. When this parameter is true, any hot links will be created.
rule This parameter references a rule specification that creates an element in the display by executing a Java class.

Rule Specifications

At the root of rules-based formatting functionality is the central concept that each display element has its own rule specification, which ultimately executes a formatting class. A rule specification is the second of the two most important formatting constructs contained in a formatting configuration file (its partner, the display specification is the other one). The rule specification syntax makes it possible for you to define or modify an element by simply defining or modifying its rule specification. A rule specification is both the most essential and most basic structure you use to define and modify how data is formatted for the WebZ Interface.

Example Rule Specifications:

class = ORG.oclc.fmts.rules.AddSaveButton
nextPage = $StyleTable.pages.bookMarkFromBrief;

class = ORG.oclc.fmts.rules.AddRecordNumber

class = ORG.oclc.fmts.rules.AddWrapperData
wrapperName = beforeRecordData

class = ORG.oclc.fmts.rules.AddFetchAnchor
displayname = Title
field* = 245|a,b,n,p
field* = 246|a,b,n,p
missingData = No Title Provided
nextPage = &StyleTable.pages.fullDisplay;
badPage = &StyleTable.pages.badfetch;
format = F
command = /WebZ/FETCH
target = $StyleTable.targets.recordDisplay;

The rule specifications above were copied from the MarcArticleRules.ini file, which is included in the MarcArticleFormats.ini file for the OBI, version 1. (See Sharing Formatting Configuration Files for more information regarding the inclusion of one ini file in another.

Syntax of a Rule Specification

The following table lists the parameters recognized by the rule specification.



[section name]

This identifies a particular rule specification in a formatting configuration file.


This parameter defines the Java class that implements the ORG.oclc.webz.DisplayRule interface that, in turn, generates a data string based on parameters given to it from the rule specification. The default class, ORG.oclc.fmts.rules.AddRecordData, is used when the class parameter is omitted.

displayname (optional) This is the text label that is associated with the data in the display. If omitted, no label is appended to the data.
field* (dependent on class) Dependent on the class being executed, this parameter defines a field specification when the class requires it. Multiple fields can be specified for a rule specification by including additional field specifications. Field specifications are executed in sequential order for the display. (For the complete syntax of a field specification, see Field Specification.)

Note: Depending on the formatting rule, you may want to use additional parameters (not shown here) to define a rule specification. To access a complete list of formatting rules (classes) and their recognized parameters, see the Javadoc at <WebZ_root>/htdocs/obiv1/help/api/ORG/oclc/fmts/rules/package-summary.html on your server.

Field Specification

Always included as part of a rule specification when recognized by its formatting class, a field specification defines the data that is to appear in a field and it defines exactly how that data is to be formatted for the display.

Example Field Specification:

field* = 600(sep='BREAK',trl='BREAK')|\
a,b,c,r,n,o,x,y,z(idx='sh=',sep=' -- ',trl='BREAK',repeatFldid=a)
field* = 610,650,651(sep='BREAK',trl='BREAK')|\
a,b,x,y,z(idx='sh=',sep=' -- ',trl='BREAK',dataordered,repeatFldid=a)
field* = 690(sep='BREAK',trl='BREAK')|\
a(idx='sh=',sep=' -- ',trl='BREAK',repeatFldid=a)

Syntax of a Field Specification

The following table breaks down the syntax of a field specification into all its possible parameters:



field* = <fields>(optional field modifiers)|\
<subfields>(optional subfield modifiers);\
<subfields>(optional subfield modifiers)

This syntax is used to define a list of record fields where full tag paths and wildcards are valid.

Optional Field Modifiers

lab='<data>' This string precedes the field data, but is not the text label as defined in the rule.
sep='<data>' This string separates repeating fields. If it is omitted, an empty string is used.
trl='<data>' This string trails the last field. If omitted, an empty string is used.
ind1='<data>'' This is a list of valid indicator 1 values separated by commas. For example, ' ,1,2'. If omitted, indicators are not validated.
ind2='<data>' This is a list of valid indicator 2 values separated by commas. For example, ' ,1,2'. If omitted, indicators are not validated.
idx='<index label abbreviation>' This is the index to be applied to one combined string generated by the complete sub-field specification. This can be used when the sub-field specification has multiple parts delineated by a semicolon. For example, it can be used in complex Marc Subject headings where a hot-link query should be the complete field and where different separators are used for the different subfields.
repeatsfld='<subfield identifier>' This value can be either character or numeric and it indicates that each time this subfield is encountered, the field separator is inserted.
dataordered or formatordered This is the order in which to process the fields. If omitted, the default is data ordered.
BREAK This keyword is to be used for line breaks. The software replaces it with the correct break characters as defined in the linebreaks and dataWrappers from display gadgets.
| This is used to delimit fields from subfields.
<subfields> Full tag paths and wildcards are valid. MARC fields a-z are allowed. Numeric MARC fields 1-n must be specified using the numeric BER tags starting with 27=MARC field 1.
Optional Sub-Field Modifiers
lab='<data>' This is the string that precedes the sub-field data, but is not the text label as defined in the rule. If omitted, an empty string is used.
sep='<data>' This string separates repeating subfields. If it is omitted, a space is used.
trl='<data>' This string trails the last subfield. If omitted, an empty string is used.
anchorsep='<data>' This string separates repeating subfields in the anchor part of the string, which can be different than what displays on the screen as part of the hot-link. If omitted, a space is used.
dataordered or formatordered This is the order in which to process the fields. If omitted, the default is data ordered..
combine This flag indicates that the subfields should be combined into one unit
idx='<index label>' This indicates that there is a QUERY anchor built for the subfield in the index specified.
; (semicolon) It delimits multiple sub-field specifications for the field list. It is useful when creating anchors from selected subfields and non-anchors from other subfields.

Note: For lab, sep, and trl, if you want to escape a character, use the \ symbol. For example, if you want sep = sub's, you would define it as, sep = 'sub\'s'

Example Field Specification and Display

The following are some field specifications from the OBI, version 1:

field* = 245|a

field* = 650,651,652(sep='BREAK',idx='sh=',ind1='0',ind2='2'|\
a-b(combine,sep=' ',dataordered,repeatFldid=a);\
c-w(sep='',dataordered);\ x,y,z(combine,sep='--',trl='BREAK',dataordered)

field* = 690(sep='BREAK',trl='BREAK')|\


For the above field specifications, all of subfield a for field 245 is appended together to create a string.

For fields 650, 651, and 652, indicator1=0 and indicator2=2 is validated for the field, then a QUERY hot-link is created for the total formatted subfield string. Subfields a and b are combined. When field a occurs, a break line is inserted. Subfields c-w are appended with a separator of space. Subfields x,y, and z are appended in data order to the subfield string.

For example:

Input: 650 a) William Blake, d) 1785-1888 x) History y) music


William Blake, 1785-1888 (History and music are created as one hot link in the sh= index.)

And for field 690, the repeated fields are separated by a line break and trailed by a line break. Query anchors are created in the subject heading phrase index for subfields a-v.

See Also

Formatting Configuration Files
Formatting Classes

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