Main -> Documentation -> WebZ System Administration -> WebZ Configuration Files -> ZBase Server Configuration Files

ZBase Server Configuration Files

The ZBaseServer.ini file contains configuration information for the Open SiteSearch WebZ software ZBase server component, a Z39.50 gateway server that provides search capabilities for local databases and access to remote Z39.50 and non-Z39.50 resources.

The ZBaseServer_rb.ini contains similar information for the ZBaseRB server for the Record Builder application included with Database Builder. The ZBaseRB server is also a Z39.50 gateway server that provides search capabilities for local databases and access to remote Z39.50 and non-Z39.50 resources.

This document describes the sections and variables in ZBaseServer.ini and ZBaseServer_rb.ini, with a separate table for each section. A ZBase Server configuration file example appears after the tables.

Document Conventions

The following items apply to the information presented in the tables below:

  • <WebZ_root> is the location of your WebZ environment.
  • <WebServer_root> is the location of your Web server.
  • The default value shown in the Default column applies to both ZBaseServer.ini and ZBaseServer_rb.ini unless otherwise indicated.
  • Unless otherwise specified, all variables must contain a value; their value cannot be left empty.
  • Version 4.0.x refers to any SiteSearch 4 version prior to 4.1.0; that is, 4.0.0, 4.0.0a, 4.0.1, or 4.0.2.

File Location

The ZBaseServer.ini and ZBaseServer_rb.ini files are located in the <WebZ_root>/ini directory of your installation.

Sections and Variables in ZBaseServer.ini

ZBaseServer.ini and ZBaseServer_rb.ini contain the following sections (appearing as [section_name]). Each section contains one or more variables that define the server operations.

[ZBase] Section





Defines the port that the ZBase or ZBaseRB server runs on. The default value of 0 allows the Java Virtual Machine interpreter to dynamically determine a port for ZBase or ZBaseRB every time a ZBase or ZBaseRB server starts.



Contains the location of the configuration file that lists the remote and local databases that are recognized by the WebZ (or Record Builder) software and that ZBase or ZBaseRB uses to search.




Specifies the section in the file defined by dbIniFile where ZBase or ZBaseRB obtains the list of potential databases to search and the location of each database configuration file.



Specifies the location of the configuration files in the WebZ system. This location is added to any configuration file referred to in ZBaseServer.ini or ZBaseServer_rb.ini that does not have a fully qualified pathname.



Contains the message that displayed to remote users who connect to the ZBase or ZBaseRB server. If you plan to provide remote access to ZBase or ZBaseRB, customize this message for your users.

You are searching an Open SiteSearch Z39.50 Server.

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[Timers] Section



Specifies how long, in seconds, a user session can remain idle before ZBase or ZBaseRB automatically logs the user off of the server.

(15 min.)


Specifies the amount of time, in seconds, that the ZBase or ZBaseRB server should wait on a response from another server across an open socket.

(2 min.)


Defines how often, in seconds, ZBase or ZBaseRB should perform housekeeping tasks. ZBase or ZBaseRB ensures that the rolling intervals for servers, users, and statistics logs are functioning correctly and flush the logs if necessary. The server also reports its current system load statistics to the OpServe.

This variable does not set how often garbage collection occurs; the Java programming language performs garbage collection dynamically.

(10 min.)


(beginning with version 4.1.2a)

(Optional) Specifies how long, in seconds, remains idle before the OpServe submits a system garbage collection call (system.gc()) for it. 900 seconds (15 minutes) is a recommended value for this variable.

The OpServe detects when a server has no active sessions and stores this information. When the OpServe polls servers, it checks the length of time a server has been idle. The OpServe compares the idleGCTimer value to the amount of time the server has been idle.

If the server's idleGCTimer value
the OpServe...
is less than or equal to the length of time the server has been idle issues a system garbage collection call to the JVM for the server.
is greater than the length of time the server has been idle does nothing.
is null or is -1 does nothing.
is 0 issues a system garbage collection call to the JVM for the server.

Example 1. The OpServe polling period is 300 seconds (5 minutes) and the ZBase server's idleGCTimer is 0. OpServe issues a system garbage collection for this server if it is idle when OpServe checks the server's state.

Example 2. The OpServe polling period is 300 seconds (5 minutes) and the ZBase server's idleGCTimer is 900 (15 minutes). OpServe issues a system garbage collection for this server if it is has been idle for at least 15 minutes when OpServe checks the length of the server's idle time.


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[SessionTrace] Section



Specifies the level of detail in the trace messages written to the ZBase or ZBaseRB user log file.

You can also set ZBase or ZBaseRB logging manually using the settrace command in the ssadmin interface.



Provides the location of the directory where ZBase or ZBaseRB stores user log files.



Provides the base name that ZBase or ZBaseRB uses for user log files. ZBase or ZBaseRB adds the sessionid, time, and date stamps to this base name before saving the user log.



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[ServerTrace] Section



Specifies the level of detail in the trace messages written to the ZBase or ZBaseRB server log file.

You can also set ZBase or ZBaseRB logging manually using the settrace command in the ssadmin interface.



Provides the location of the directory ZBase or ZBaseRB uses to store its server logs. The default value for this directory is <WebZ_root>/logs.



Provides the base name that ZBase or ZBaseRB uses for server log files. ZBase or ZBaseRB adds the sessionid, time, and date stamps to this base name before saving the server log.



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[AccessServer] Section



Defines the name of the Access server configuration file in the WebZ environment. The value of inifile is relative to the directory specified by the IniFileRoot variable in the [ZBase] section of this configuration file.




Defines the full name of the Access server's initialization class.



Specifies the single section in the Access.ini configuration file defined in the inifile variable above that ZBase or ZBaseRB needs to access.


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[Operations] Section



Specifies the location of the Operations directory where ZBase or ZBaseRB reads server load balancing values. The other WebZ servers have access to ZBase's or ZBaseRB's load balancing values in this directory.



Identifies the type of server defined in this configuration file. The OpServe and its administrative client, ssadmin, use this information to execute administrative tasks for the ZBase or ZBaseRB server.




Defines the location of the host environment configuration file used by the WebZ software. This file contains information such as the ID, name, and load distribution percentage of the servers hosting the WebZ system (and Record Builder, if applicable). The value of HostMapIni is relative to the directory specified by the IniFileRoot variable in the [ZBase] section.


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[servername] Section

This section contains threshold information used to determine the load factor of a ZBase or ZBaseRB server. A ZBase or ZBaseRB server has a load factor of 1, 2, 3, or 4, based on its various threshold levels. Threshold levels are tracked for used system memory, active user sessions, active Java threads, and open file descriptors. These threshold levels are set using the variables and values in the table below. When a server starts, each threshold level has its own corresponding load factor, separate from the server load factor, of 1. If a threshold level reaches the low load value defined in this section, the load factor adjusts to 2. If a threshold level reaches the medium load value defined in this section, the load factor adjusts to 3, and so on.

The server determines its own overall load factor level after it processes a request. The load factor for the server always equals the highest threshold level load factor. For example, if all of the threshold variables have a load factor of 1 except for the user sessions, which has a load factor of 2, the system estimates that the server has an overall load of 2.

As threshold levels change, the load factor for the ZBase or ZBaseRB server adjusts to the corresponding value. The OpServe manages the system load balance by starting and stopping ZBase or ZBaseRB servers.

In a SiteSearch environment without Record Builder, a new ZBase server starts when an existing server reaches the load factor level defined in the ZBase server section of the OpServe.ini file, unless the system is running the maximum number of ZBase servers allowed (also defined in the OpServe.ini). OpServe stops an existing ZBase server when the server reaches the load factor level defined in the ZBase server section of the OpServe.ini file, unless the system is running the minimum number of ZBase servers allowed (also defined in the OpServe.ini). The OpServe starts and stops servers in the same manner in an environment that includes WebZ and Record Builder, except that it reads threshold load factors for both ZBase and ZBaseRB from the OpServe_rb.ini file.

You can temporarily adjust the maximum and minimum number of ZBase servers allowed by executing the setmax and setmin commands in the ssadmin interface. To permanently change the maximum and minimum values, edit the ZBase section of the OpServe.ini file or the ZBase and ZBaseRB sections of the OpServe_rb.ini file during a low usage period and restart the WebZ system.

The ZBaseServer.ini file should contain a [servername] section for every host system that the WebZ software runs on. The ZBaseServer_rb.ini file should contain a [servername] section for every host system that the WebZ and Record Builder software runs on.



Sets threshold levels based on the amount of host server memory used.


LowUsedMemory = 6000
MedUsedMemory = 10000
HighUsedMemory = 14000


Sets the threshold levels based on the number of session running on the ZBase or ZBaseRB server.


LowSessions = 20
MedSessions = 30
HighSessions = 40


Sets the threshold levels based on the number of active Java threads running on the ZBase or ZBaseRB server.


LowThreads = 100
MedThreads = 500
HighThreads = 1000


Sets the threshold levels based on the number of active files running on the ZBase server.

LowFiles = 100
MedFiles = 500
HighFiles = 1000

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ZBaseServer Configuration File Example

# ZBaseServer.ini
port = 0
dbIniFile = databases.ini
dbSectionName = ZBaseDBs
IniFileRoot = <WebZ_root>/ini
MessageOfTheDay = You are searching an Open SiteSearch Z39.50 Server
# Given in seconds
UserSessionIdleTimeout = 900
ReadTimeout = 120
HouseKeepingInterval = 600
traceLevel = TRACE_none
traceDirectory = <WebZ_root>/logs
traceFilename = zbase.userLog
traceLevel = TRACE_none
traceDirectory = <WebZ_root>/logs
traceFilename = zbase.serverLog
# The SiteSearch Access Server. AccessConnectInfo
# initializes the SiteSearch Access Server.
inifile = servers/Access.ini
InitClass = ORG.oclc.access.AccessConnectInfo
sectionName = ZBase
OpsConfigDir = <WebZ_root>/ops
ServerType = ZBase
HostMapIni = HostMap.ini
LowUsedMemory = 6000
MedUsedMemory = 10000
HighUsedMemory = 14000
LowSessions = 20
MedSessions = 30
HighSessions = 40
LowThreads = 100
MedThreads = 500
HighThreads = 1000
LowFiles = 100
MedFiles = 500
HighFiles = 1000
LowUsedMemory = 6000
MedUsedMemory = 10000
HighUsedMemory = 14000
LowSessions = 20
MedSessions = 30
HighSessions = 40
LowThreads = 100
MedThreads = 500
HighThreads = 1000
LowFiles = 100
MedFiles = 500
HighFiles = 1000

See Also

OpServe Configuration Files
WebZ Configuration Files
WebZ System Administration
Description of the WebZ System
Record Builder Process Model and System Overview
Record Builder Configuration Files

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