Main -> Documentation -> OCLC SiteSearch Record Builder -> Customizing DC Templates -> template.xml File for DC Databases

template.xml File for DC Databases


This document presents the general format of the template.xml file, the master XML template for databases based on the DC database frameworks shipped with Record Builder for SiteSearch 4.1.1 and 4.1.2. It includes a graphic with numbered callouts and descriptions of each major section of the file.

To see the relationship between Record Builder's Edit Record screen and the template.xml file, you may wish to view or print the Edit Record screen document (rb_01-05-30r.html) in another browser window while reading this document.

template.xml Example

Here are excerpts from the Record Builder template.xml file for the DCQ database framework introduced in SiteSearch 4.1.2. The DC(2) template.xml files for SiteSearch 4.1.1 and 4.1.2 have a similar layout. It includes the entire element definition for the DC:Identifier element (shown in light blue in the graphic) as an example of the general layout of an element definition. Click a callout (such as ) for a description of that item. Descriptions follow the example.

Excerpts from template.xmlGo to 1Go to 2Go to 3Go to 4Go to 5Go to 6Go to 7Go to 8Go to 9Go to 10Go to 11



XML declaration statement.
2 DublinCore opening tag. All other statements in template.xml must follow this tag and precede the DublinCore closing tag (11), including element definitions for locally-defined elements.
3 Statements that call hooks that build the completed workform, as shown on the Edit Record screen, with constant data, values for qualifier and scheme drop-down lists, and screen buttons. Do not modify these statements.
4 Statements that create the administrative information about the record at the top of the workform, such as the date created, date modified, status, and creator. Do not modify these statements.
5 Element definition for the unique ID field for the record created or modified with the workform. Do not modify these statements.

Opening tag for DC:Identifier element definition. All other statements in the element definition must follow this tag and precede the DC:Identifier closing tag (11). Do not modify the statements from here down to 7.


Statements that build an element's data entry field. You can change the values shown in dark blue bold text, which are contained within these tags shown in the following table. Not all the tags in the table appear in the DC:Identifier's element definition.




<MANTIS:label> The label for the element displayed on the Edit Record screen. This can be a more descriptive name than the element name used in its opening and closing tags. If you leave this value blank, Record Builder uses the element's name as its label.

Indicates the type of field used for data entry. Values are:

textarea    A text box for entering any data value desired.
listbox   A drop-down list for selecting a value.

Indicates whether this is a repeatable field (that is, there can be more than one value for this element in the same record). Values are:

Yes    The field is repeatable. Add and Del buttons appear beside the field for adding and/or deleting another instance of this field.
No   The field is not repeatable and can have only one instance per record.

The default is Yes, which indicates that the field is repeatable. If you change the value to No, the Add and Del buttons do not appear for this element.

(Textarea fields only)
Indicates the number of lines displayed in the the text box for entering data. 2
(Textarea fields only)
Indicates the maximum number of lines of text allowed for the field. Scroll bars allow the metadata specialist to see all the data if there is more data than can be shown in the text box at one time. 4
(Listbox fields only)
Refers to the URL for a file that contains a list of the allowable values for a listbox field. N/A
Statements that indicate that this element has qualifier values defined in field.xml.
Statements that indicate that this element has scheme values defined in field.xml.
DC:Identifier closing tag.
DublinCore closing tag.

See Also

Adding Elements to a DC Template
Removing Elements from a DC Template
The Record Builder Interface in Action

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