Main -> Documentation -> Database Builder – Newton  -> OCLC SiteSearch Database Builder Utility Programs -> The Rome Utility

The Rome Utility

The rome utility reads the sorted New Index and Postings (SNIP) file and creates indexing information for the database based on the rules defined by the database description (.dsc) file. Indexes of the terms are put into the INDX with pointers to that information being put in the POST file. Rome writes a directory of the records in the POST file to the PDIR file. Refer to Introduction to Database Files for more information about the INDX, POST, and PDIR files.

For certain indexes the number of unique terms is very small or the terms are part of a controlled vocabulary whose members are spread across the entire alphabet. When these cases occur in your data, the terms in the index may be difficult to browse because of the way the index is built by default. In these instances, the sparse parameter (-s) may be used to create an index. To create a sparse index, you must first, use the sparse optional keyword as part of the index definitions in the database description. Then you must run the rome utility twice against the database. On the first pass, specify the sparse file, and rome will write a special NIP file out to the sparse file, which must then be sorted using the sortnip utility. On the second pass, use the newly created sparse file as a NIP file. Refer to the Example section below as an additional resource.


This utility completes step 5 in the database build process. It is strongly recommended that you use the SiteSearch Database Operations Tool (SSDOT) to complete the database build process. SSDOT, a component of the SiteSearch system, has a menu-driven interface that automates the process. SSDOT is able to complete all of the necessary steps involved in the process, including the tasks performed by the rome utility.


rome -iindexfile -ppostfile -dpdirfile -nnipfile [-bbeginterm] [-eendterm]
[-ssparsefile] [-rrestartfile] [-fq] [-fs] [-fx]
rome @restartfile




Specifies the indexfile rome will use. This is the file generated by initdb.


Specifies the postfile rome will use. This is the file generated by initdb.


Specifies the pdirfile rome will use. This is the file generated by initdb.


Specifies the nipfile rome will use. This is the file generated by sortnip.


Tells rome to skip over all terms in the nipfile until it comes across beginterm. Once rome has processed beginterm, it will continue processing terms in the nipfile until it comes across the end of the file or the endterm.


Allows rome to quit processing terms in the nipfile once it comes across endterm.


Writes a special NIP record to the sparsefile if the sparsefile parameter is specified and at least one of the indexes in the .dsc file has the sparse optional keyword specified. The sparsefile that is created can then be used in a second pass of rome to create sparse indexes for easier browsing.


Creates a file, restartfile, in the event of an abnormal termination of rome. The restartfile can then be used to attempt a restart of the rome utility.


Requests no verbose display. Run quietly. Some messages will still be printed to standard output.


Requests short runtime display of terms encountered. If specified, every hundredth term will be printed to standard output.


Open files as input only. This is considered debug mode.


Attempts to restart the processing by using the optionally created restartfile as the only parameter in the event of an abnormal termination of the rome program.


If you were building a database of your organization's phone book and specified the sparse optional keyword for at least one index in the database, the rome runs might look like this:

$rome -iphonindx.db -pphonpost.db -dphonpdir.db -nphon.snip -sphon.sparse.nip
Rome run started on Wed July 8
Rome complete
$sortnip -iphon.sparse.nip -ophon.sparse.snip
$rome -iphonindx.db -pphonpost.db -dphonpdir.db
-nphon.sparse.snip Rome run started on Wed July 8 .
Rome complete

In the event of an abnormal termination of the rome program, a restart of the processing may be attempted by using the optionally created restartfile as the only input parameter (see the syntax table above). Depending upon the type of abnormal termination, the restart may or may not be successful. If restarting is unsuccessful, you must begin the building of the INDX file, PDIR directory, and POST file from scratch. Refer to the Introduction to Database Files for more information about the INDX file, the PDIR directory, and the POST file.

See Also

The Initdb Utility
The Sortnip Utility
Index Definitions
Introduction to Database Files
Creating a Database Description (.dsc) File
An Explanation of the Database Build Process
Open SiteSearch Database Builder Utility Programs
SiteSearch Database Operations Tool (SSDOT)
ASN.1/BER Input Record Format (available from Open SiteSearch technical support)

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