Main -> Documentation -> Database Builder – Newton -> Creating a New SiteSearch Database -> Creating a Database Description (.dsc) File

Creating a Database Description (.dsc) File

A database description (.dsc) file is a text file used in the database build process to explicitly define how your database should be built by the Open SiteSearch Database Builder 4.0.x/4.1.x software. The file contains definitions for database identification, database files, term adjacency, indexing routines, and more. The Database Builder software uses the .dsc file to initialize the physical database files (HEDR, HDIR, INDX, PDIR, and POST) and build the searchable indexes that make up the database. Creating a database description involves creating and naming a .dsc text file, then defining its contents.


The following steps describe how to create a .dsc file in the test environment:

1. Use either of the following methods to create the physical .dsc file:

  • Copy an existing .dsc file to a new file and use a text editor to make the necessary modifications to the new file to define the new database. Database Builder includes several .dsc files with its example databases, located in the <SystemRoot>/dbbuilder/dbs/ directory of your software installation.
  • Create a new text file using a text editor.

The name of the file should be a four-letter name that adequately identifies the database it will build, followed by the extension .dsc. Use the same four-letter name as the value for the database identification defined in the .dsc file.

Windows NT users: Do not begin the database name with an upper or lower-case "t".

2. Provide the necessary definitions in the .dsc file to define how you want your database to be built. To help you create these definitions, use the Database Description (.dsc) File: Structure and Syntax reference for a concise description of the structure and syntax of the definitions that need to be included within the .dsc file.

3. Save the file.

See Also

Creating a New SiteSearch Database
Database Description (.dsc) File: Structure and Syntax
Database Description (.dsc) File Example

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