Main -> Documentation -> Database Builder – Newton -> Creating a New SiteSearch Database -> Database Description (.dsc) File: Structure and Syntax -> Database Identification

Database Identification

The database identification is a unique string of four alphanumeric characters that defines the database name to the Open SiteSearch Database Builder 4.0.x/4.1.x software in the database description (.dsc) file. It is automatically stored by the software in region 0 of the HEDR physical database file when the HEDR file is initialized. The database identification definition is required and must be the first definition that appears in the .dsc file.


DB: db_name




Begins the database identification definition.


Contains a string of four alphanumeric characters that define the database name.

Windows NT users: Do not begin the database name with an upper or lower-case "t".


In the following example, the name "ERIC" is assigned as the database identifier.


See Also

Creating a Database Description (.dsc) File
Database Description (.dsc) File: Structure and Syntax
Database Description (.dsc) File Example
Creating a New SiteSearch Database

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