Creating or
Disabling Constant Data for a DC Database
Document Conventions
Creating and Activating Constant Data
Creating Multiple Constant Data Files
Disabling Constant Data
Beginning with
SiteSearch 4.1.2, you can make constant
data available to metadata specialists who create
and edit records in local DC databases using OCLC Database Builder's
Record Builder application. This document
includes procedures for creating a single constant data file, creating
multiple constant data files for the same database, and disabling constant
- <WebZ_root>
to the location of the SiteSearch environment that includes Record Builder.
- db_name
a database's top-level directory, typically <WebZ_root>/dbbuilder/dbs/db_name.
- namespace
refers to an element's XML namespace, an identifier used to ensure uniqueness
among XML elements with the same name. Reserved namespaces used in DC
templates are DC, RDF, MANTIS, and in SiteSearch 4.1.1, RB.
- element_name
is an element's name.
- DC database
refers to a database based on one of Record Builder's Dublin
Core database frameworks – DC(2) or DCQ.
- "You"
refers to a person responsible for Record Builder system and/or database
and Activating Constant Data
Follow this procedure
to create and activate constant data for a DC database. It has two parts:
creating a constant data file and activating
the constant data.
a Constant Data File
1. Determine
the elements for which you want to define constant data and the
constant data value for each element. An element's constant data
values may include the element's data value and the scheme
and qualifier used to refine and clarify this value.
2. Open
with a text editor.
Between the <DC> and </DC> tags, add a section for the
first element for which to want to create constant data. You can
copy and edit one of the existing sections in constant.xml, or use
this pattern:
here for more information about each line in this section and
its relationship to the constant data for the element that appears
on the Edit Record screen. (This
information appears in a second browser window.)
Notes: |
The scheme_value
and qualifier_value
must be defined in the database's field.xml
If this is a DC(2) database and the element has no qualifier
values, omit the <DC:Qualifier> section.
For a DCQ database, these values override the default scheme
and qualifier values specified for the element in <WebZ_root>/dbbuilder/dbs/db_name/field.xml.
4. Repeat
step 3 for any other elements for which you want to define constant
data. |
5. Remove
any unneeded constant data sections in the file, such as those used
for the sample constant data shipped with SiteSearch 4.1.2. |
6. Save and
close constant.xml. |
Constant Data
to Contents
Multiple Constant Data Files
You can create
more than one constant data file for a database and associate each file
with a different workform. Each
workform is based on the same template;
the only difference between workforms is their constant data files. By
selecting the appropriate workform on Record Builder's New
Record screen, metadata specialists can apply the desired set of constant
data to a new record.
1. For each
constant data file, determine the elements for which you want to
define constant data and the constant data value for each element.
An element's constant data values may include the element's data
value and the scheme and qualifier
used to refine and clarify this value.
2. Copy and
rename the database's first constant data file, <WebZ_root>/dbbuilder/dbs/db_name/constant.xml.
3. Follow
steps 3-6 in the procedure Creating
and Activating Constant Data. |
4. Repeat
steps 1-3 above for each constant data file that you want to create. |
5. Open
the database's configuration file
(in <WebZ_root>/ini/dbs) in a text editor.
6. If necessary,
create new template definition(s) so you have workforms for each
constant data file:
7. Save and
close the database configuration file. |
8. Stop and
then restart Record Builder. Click here
for more information for UNIX; click here
for more information for Windows NT.) |
9. Open
Record Builder with a Web browser. Then click the workform link
for creating a new record for the database. When the Edit
Record screen displays, verify that the constant data you added
appears properly. If you configured the workform for manual application
of constant data, select Apply constant data from the Available
actions list.
to Contents
Constant Data
1. Open
the database's configuration file
(in <WebZ_root>/ini/dbs) in a text editor.
2. Find
the template definition section ([ttemplate_definition])
for the workform for which you want to disable constant data. Comment
out or delete this line:
= <WebZ_root>/dbbuilder/dbs/db_name/constant.xml
[or other
constant data file name]
3. Repeat
step 2 to disable constant data for another one of this database's
workforms. |
4. Save and
close the database configuration file. |
5. Stop and
then restart Record Builder. Click here
for more information for UNIX; click here
for more information for Windows NT.) |
to Contents
See Also
Builder and Constant Data
constant.xml File for DC Databases
Performing Online Updates to Local Databases
with Record Builder
Planning a New DC Database