Main -> Documentation -> The WebZ Interface -> Formatting Your Display -> Procedure 3: Define or Modify the Display Specification

Procedure 3: Define or Modify the Display Specification

You define or modify a display specification inside a formatting configuration file. It, along with its accompanying rule specification(s), comprise the actual format definition.

Creating a New Display Specification

Follow these steps to define a new display specification:

1. Open the desired formatting configuration file using your text editor.

Example: # MyFormats.ini

2. Scroll down to the desired area in the formatting configuration file where you want to define your new display specification.

3. Within square brackets, type the desired name of the new display specification.

Example: [briefest]

4. Optionally, type characterset= and its value.

Example: characterset=ASCII


ASCII is the default value for the characterset parameter. If you do not declare the parameter in your display specification, WebZ assumes it and its default value

5. Optionally, type doHtmlDiacritics= and either true or false as its value.

Example: doHtmlDiacritics=true


True is the default value for the doHtmlDiacritics parameter. If you do not declare a value for it, WebZ assumes it and its default value.

6. Type rule*= and a value equal to the name of a rule specification for an element in the display.

Example: rule* = bookmarkFromBriefbfst

7. Repeat Step 6 for as many elements as you wish to define for the display.


rule* = recordnumberbfst
rule* = dataLabelbfst

rule* = brieftitlebfst
rule* = updateCurrecnobfst
rule* = dataTrailerbfst

Modifying a Display Specification

Perform the following steps to modify an existing format definition.

1. Open the desired formatting configuration file using your text editor.

Example: # MyFormats.ini

2. Scroll down in the formatting configuration file to the display specification that you want to modify. Using your text editor, insert, change or delete the desired text.


Ensure that you make any necessary changes to accompanying rule specifications before saving and exiting the formatting configuration file. (See the procedure, Define or Modify the Rule Spcecification.)

See Also

Formatting Your Display
Design the Format

Locate the Affected Display Formatting Configuration Files

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