Main -> Documentation -> Database Builder – Newton -> OCLC Database Builder Utility Programs -> The Marcconv Utility

The Marcconv Utility

The marcconv utility allows you to convert US Machine-Readable Cataloging (MARC) formatted records to ASN.1/BER that can be added to a SiteSearch database. Refer to the syntax described below to run the utility from the UNIX command prompt within your database dbs directory.

For more information about MARC, refer to Introduction to Using MARC Source Data to Build a Database.


marcconv -iinputfile -ooutputfile [-sskip_recs] [-mmax_recs]
[-wwarning_level] [-cold-new] [-ddelete_chars]
[-goutputmsgsfile] [-rreplace_chars]
[-f] [-a] [-t] [-u] [-zdebuglevel] [-h]




Contains the filename of the MARC-formatted file that marcconv reads and converts to ASN.1/BER encoded records. The inputfile can contain one or more MARC-formatted records and typically has a .marc file extension.


Includes the name of the file that marcconv writes the ASN.1/BER encoded records to after it converts the MARC records from the inputfile. This file is later used as input to the pippin utility program and typically has a .ber file extension.


Indicates the number of records to be skipped in the inputfile.


Provides the maximum number of records to convert to ASN.1/BER format.


Indicates the severity level of warning messages that marcconv will write to standard output. If -w is not specified, all warning messages are written to standard output. Currently, only a warning level of zero is supported, which suppresses all warning messages.


Specifies that the contents of MARC tag old should be copied to MARC tag new.


Enables specification of characters in the record status field of ApprovedMARC Leader t12/31/98 the database. The default delete character is 'd'. Specifying -d with no additional characters indicates that delete characters will be ignored in the MARC Leader.


Contains the name of the optional output file for program messages.


Enables specification of the character in the record status filled of the MARC Leader that indicates the record is to be replaced in the database. The default replace characters are 'c', 'p', and 'a'. Specifying -r with no additional characters indicates that replace characters will be ignored in the MARC Leader.


Indicates that the MARC tags should be frequency encoded.


Specifies that all non-delete records are to be marked as replace records in the output BER file.


Specifies that records are coming from an LC-MARC tape.


Indicates that the records are encoded to the UNIMARC standard.


Specifies the type of action desired for debugging purposes. The options for debuglevel include:

  • 0=debug traces
  • 1=read only
  • 2=dump records


Displays the utility's usage statement for additional help.


The example below demonstrates how to create an output file of ASN.1/BER encoded records called gpo.ber from the MARC records in the input file gpo.marc.

marcconv -igpo.marc -ogpo.ber

The next example shows how to create an output file of ASN.1/BER encoded records called cat1.ber from the MARC records in the input file cat1.marc with warning messages suppressed, delete and replace characters in the input MARC record Leaders ignored, and field 989a copied to BER tag 1001.

marcconv -icat1.marc -ocat1.ber -w0 -d -r -c989a-1001

The final example below provides parameters that might be used for the updating of an existing database. It creates an output file of ASN.1/BER encoded records called cat2.ber from the MARC records in the input file cat2.marc by completing these steps:

  • suppressing warning messages,
  • treating all non-deleted records as replace records, and
  • copying field 989a to BER tag 1001.

marcconv -icat2.marc -ocat2.ber -w0 -a -c989a-1001

See Also

Open SiteSearch Database Builder Utility Programs
The Pippin Utility
The Ber2txt Utility
ANSI Standard Z39.2, American National Standard for Information Interchange Format
ISO Standard 8825, Specification of Basic Encoding Rules of Abstract Syntax Notation One

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