Main -> Documentation -> WebZ System Administration -> WebZ Utility Programs -> The Ber2txt Utility

The Ber2txt Utility

The ber2txt utility generates an ASCII text representation of the binary data in an ASN.1/BER formatted record, the format in which all SiteSearch database records are stored. This is a useful utility for debugging and analyzing the structure of BER files.

The ber2txt utility is located in the <WebZ_root>/scripts directory of your SiteSearch environment and the <WebZ_root>/dbbuilder/ssdot/exes directory of your environment, if you have installed Open SiteSearch Database Builder.. The utility is a script that executes the ORG.oclc.fmts.ber2txt class.


ber2txt -cclassFile/IniFile -tsection -dIniFileRoot -iinputfile [-mmaxrecs] [-nno_labels] [-rrecord_type ][-sskiprecs]

-cclassFile/IniFile Specifies the Java class (classFile) or formatting configuration file (IniFile) to use to format the records in the input file. The default is ???
-tsection Specifies the bracketed section name in the formatting configuration (.ini) file referenced with the -c flag to use to format the records.
-dIniFileRoot Specifies the full path to the formatting configuration (.ini) file referenced with the -c flag, such as <WebZ_root>/ini/format/obiv1.


Provides the name of the file containing at least one ASN.1/BER encoded record. The inputfile can contain one or more records that you would like to view in a readable format.


Indicates the maximum number of records in the input file to output. The default value is 32767.

-nno_labels Indicates that ber2txt should not print a label at the start of each record (such as record number n). If you do not include this flag, ber2txt adds record labels to each record.


Indicates that ber2txt should only process records with this top fldid value. You can specify more than one fldid by ... ???


Indicates the number of records in the input file to skip before processing. The default value is 0 (start at the first record in the input file).


The following example demonstrates how to view the first five records in the file /cis/demos/phone.ber.

ber2txt -i/cis/demos/phone.ber -m5

The following example is identical to the example above, but directs output to a text file.

ber2txt -i/cis/demos/phone.ber -m5 > mydata.txt

See Also


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Last Modified: August 31, 2007