Main -> Documentation -> Database Builder – Newton -> Creating a New SiteSearch Database -> Database Description (.dsc) File: Structure and Syntax -> Internalaccntag and Internalaccnindx Definitions

Internalaccntag and Internalaccnindx Definitions

The Open SiteSearch Database Builder software uses the internalaccntag and internalaccnindx definitions in the database description (.dsc) file to locate database records for replacement and/or deletion during a database update. The internalaccntag definition specifies which field the Database Builder software uses to identify each record in your database. The specified field is your accession number, or "unique identifier" field, containing data that is distinctly unique for each record, such as an ISBN number, a Library of Congress call number, etc. You need to locate a unique identifier for your database records and define the field corresponding to the identifier using the internalaccntag definition.

Next, create an index definition in the .dsc file containing only the field identified with the internalaccntag. This index is used to search for and retrieve specific database records and their associated information during an update. After you create this index definition, use the internalaccnindx definition to reference this index of unique identifiers. Refer to the syntax and example below for additional information.

Important Note: You MUST define the internataccntag, internalaccnindx, and an index definition for unique identifiers in the .dsc file if you want to replace and delete records in your database.


internalaccntag: field id

internalaccnindx: index id




Denotes the internal accession tag variable within the .dsc file.

field id

Specifies which field to use as the unique identifier. The field id must be in the form of a BER tag path.


Denotes the internal accession index within the database description (.dsc) file.

index id

Specifies which index is the index of unique identifiers for the database.


In the following example, the Machine-Readable Cataloging (MARC) 001 field that contains a record control number has been defined in the internalaccntag definition as the unique record identifier. Index(02) is defined as the index of unique identifiers for the database in the internalaccnindx definition.

internalaccntag: 001
internalaccnindx: 02

The index(02) definition would look like the following in the .dsc file:

/* Unique Record Identifier - MARC Control Number */
/* Keyword routine */
index(02): () words() from(\

Notice that the field id defined in the internalaccntag is the ONLY field included in this index.

See Also

Creating a Database Description (.dsc) File
Database Description (.dsc) File: Structure and Syntax
Database Description (.dsc) File Example

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