Main -> Documentation -> Database Builder – Newton -> Creating a New SiteSearch Database -> Creating a Database Description (.dsc) File -> Database Description (.dsc) File: Structure and Syntax

Database Description (.dsc) File: Structure and Syntax

The database description (.dsc) file describes how the Open SiteSearch Database Builder software builds your database and consists of several sections (shown below), each of which defines a particular aspect of a SiteSearch database. Select a section from the following table for detailed information about its contents, syntax, usage, and examples for guidance as you create the .dsc file for your local database. Refer to the Database Description (.dsc) File Example for additional information.


The following sections make up the .dsc file:



Database Identification

Identifies the database internal name.

Database File Definitions

Defines the blocksize and region count for the five physical database files that make up a searchable database.

Plural Endings

Defines endings, such as "s," "es," "ies," etc., to append to a search term when a pluralized search is issued by the patron.

Term Adjacency Definitions

Defines what term adjacency search capabilities the Newton search engine provides on a per index basis.

Internalaccnindx and Internalaccntag Definitions

Defines the index that contains the unique identifiers for the database records and the field that the Database Builder software uses to uniquely identify each record.

Restrictor Definitions

Limits the number of records retrieved in a search by filtering (restricting) on a certain category (e.g., language, date, publication type, etc.).

Index Definitions

Explicitly defines the indexes of a SiteSearch database and how they are created in the database build process.


Defines synonyms for terms that allows searchers to enter a synonym for a term and retrieve the correct term.


Defines the list of terms that are not indexed because they occur frequently and do not add to the subject content of the indexes.

Byteorder Definition

Specifies the format in which the Database Builder software uses when writing data to bytes low-to-high or high-to-low. Database Builder automatically sets the byteorder value according to the system where you are building the database..

Characterset Definition

Specifies the character set that the Database Builder software uses when building a database: ASCII or EBCDIC. Database Builder automatically set the value of characterset according to the system where you are building the database.

Noconvertflds Definition

Defines which fields in the database source data (e.g., image records) should not be converted over to the character set during data conversion.

Bootfields Definition

Allows you to store large binary objects, such as images, in a root record and separate physical entities to break the image down into smaller size pieces for quicker downloading and viewing time.

See Also

Creating a Database Description (.dsc) File
Database Description (.dsc) File Example
Creating a New SiteSearch Database

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