Main -> Documentation -> WebZ System Administration -> WebZ Utility Programs -> The ber2marc Utility

The ber2marc Utility

The ber2marc utility allows you to convert ASN.1/BER data into Machine-Readable Cataloging (MARC) format. Open SiteSearch database records are stored in ASN.1/BER format. As part of the Open SiteSearch WebZ search and record retrieval process, the ZBase server formatting classes map ASN.1/BER records into MARC format before passing the records onto the JaSSI server for display in the WebZ Out-of-the-Box Interface (OBI). The ber2marc utility can be used as a tool to test any formatting classes that you have written at the ZBase level to map ASN.1/BER data to MARC.

Location: The ber2marc utility is located in the <WebZ_root>/scripts directory, where <WebZ_root> is the location of your installed WebZ environment.


ber2marc -iber_file [-cformatClassName] [-mmaxrecs] [-sskiprecs] [-n]




Provides the name of the file containing at least one ASN.1/BER encoded record. The ber_file can contain one or more records that you would like to view in MARC format.


Allows you to format the MARC output displayed by defining a Java formatting class. The formatClassName should contain the full package name of the Java class that you wish to use to format the MARC records. Refer to the following example:



Indicates the maximum number of records in the ber_file to output.


Indicates the number of records in the ber_file to skip before processing the remainder of the file.


Removes the record number label displayed before the output for each record. For example, the following is the typical display for a record:

record number 1
DataDir: fldid(0) asn1class(1) form(1) length(0)
child: DataDir: fldid(0) asn1class(2) form(0)
length(0) count(8)
data: 6e 6d 6d 20 20 49 61 20 nmm Ia
sibling: DataDir: fldid(1) asn1class(2) form(0)
length(0) count(12)
data: 6f 63 6d 33 35 30 30 33 36 34 32 20

When the -n option is used, the "record number 1" label shown above is removed.


The following example demonstrates how to use the ber2marc utility to view the last 5 records of an ASN.1/BER file that contains 35 total records in a MARC-formatted display.

ber2marc -i/cis/demos/phone.ber -cORG.oclc.fmts.zbase.WCATfullMarcFmt -s30

The following example is identical to the example above, but the output is directed to a text file.

ber2marc -i/cis/demos/phone.ber -s30 
-cORG.oclc.fmts.zbase.WCATfullMarcFmt > mydata.txt

See Also

WebZ Utility Programs
Database Builder Utility Programs

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