Main -> Community Zone -> 2001 OCLC SiteSearch User Meeting

2001 OCLC SiteSearch User Meeting

OCLC will hold the fifth OCLC SiteSearch User Meeting on May 7-9 (Monday-Wednesday), 2001 at OCLC's facilities in Dublin, Ohio. The 2001 User Meeting will offer an OCLC-led training course, presentations by users, updates by OCLC staff, and breakout sessions.

The goal for the User Meeting is to offer a forum where users:

  • can receive information about the future direction of the OCLC SiteSearch suite
  • see how other users have implemented OCLC SiteSearch 4.x
  • learn more about how to customize the software to meet your library's needs.

Approximately 53 users from 36 institutions traveled to Ohio to attend the all or part of the 2000 User Meeting; OCLC hopes to have even more participation from SiteSearch user sites this year.

Meeting Details

The following meeting information is available for SiteSearch users:

Additional Information

For additional information about the 2001 SiteSearch User Meeting, please contact Meredith Dean, OCLC SiteSearch Marketing Specialist, by phone at (800) 848-5878 ext. 6255 or by e-mail at

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Last Modified: July 29, 2003