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InSite, April 1999 Tips & Techs Pointers from Open SiteSearch Product Support Staff |
Building a database with a sparse index
Malia Watson, Product Support Specialist
A sparse index is a kind of shortcut for speeding searches on local Newton databases. With a sparse index, a small set of related terms is placed at the top of the postings index list. By having a sparse index at the top, the search engine locates these terms quickly and doesn't need to scan the entire postings index.
First you need to define the sparse index in the database description file. Then you actually build the database with the SSDOT utilities. As you build the database using SSDOT (see instructions below), the build software pulls the values from the sparse index and groups them at the top of the postings index.
With a little planning, you can save a lot of search time.
Keep in mind
Steps | Explanation | |
1. | Start the database build with SSDOT |
Go to WebZ_root/dbbuilder/ssdot. Then type ssdot at the prompt. |
2. | Type "s" to set the current database |
When you are prompted to Select a registered database, type the name of the database you will build. |
3. | Select option 5. Advanced Options from the menu |
4. | Select option 1. Initialize database |
Once the database has been initialized, and you will receive the message There are completed jobs. |
5. | Select option 2. Convert input data to BER-formatted records |
NOTE: If you have already converted your input data into BER, skip this step and go to step 5.
6. | Select option 3. Add records to database and create index terms (Pippin) |
Wait for pippin to complete processing. |
7. | Select option 4. Sort index terms (Sortnip) |
Wait for sortnip to complete processing. |
8. | Select option 5. Add index terms to the database (Rome) |
Wait for rome to complete processing. |
9. | Select option 6. Sort sparse index terms (Sortspar) |
Wait for sortspar to complete processing. |
10. | Select option 7. Add sparse index terms to the database (Sparrome) |
After sortspar completes, your database is ready to be tested. |
ILL primer with Open SiteSearch
Doug Loynes, Product Support Specialist
Open SiteSearch supports two methods of transmitting ILL request: email and ISOILL. With email, a patron's ILL request is captured as an email message and sent to a specified mail address. With ISOILL, Open SiteSearch takes the same ILL request and converts the data into an encoded format to conform with ISO standard protocols (ISO 10160 and ISO 10161). The request is then forwarded to OCLC ILL Direct Request for processing.
OCLC ILL Direct Request automatically sends patron-generated requests created in your system to the OCLC Interlibrary Loan service for fulfillment. For more information about this service, see OCLC ILL Direct Request.
The mode for ILL requests is handled on a per database basis. This is not a global setting. For example, you can set email for some databases and ISOILL for others. You can also turn ILL off if it does not apply for a database.
In order to activate ILL, familiarize yourself with a few files:
This is the primary file for configuring ILL settings. There are five sections in this file.
The changeSendTo and orderPreference options affect how the ILL request is handled if you selected either the Direct-to-Lender or Direct-to-Profile services.
locations.ini and loc.ini files
These files are similar to the databases.ini and dbs.ini files. The locations.ini file lists all institutions for which you have .ini files specified. The individual location files, in turn, list all the institution symbols associated with the location. If an institution has multiple symbols, list all the locations within the institution that are associated with each symbol. If only one symbol is used, you can enter the symbol in the default line.
<dbs.ini> and JaSSIServer.ini
In the dbs.ini file, you set the type of ILL request associated with the database (email or ISOILL) and set the formatting classes for displaying the ILL request forms. In the JaSSIServer.ini file, make sure that the ILL server is listed under the [ServerMngr] section.
Testing the environment
To see results of test ISOILL requests, follow the instructions from OCLC ILL Direct Request. Telnet to port:5571. Remember to use Ctrl-C instead of the carriage return or enter key.
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