Main -> Documentation -> The OBI Interface -> OBI Elements -> Create/Change a Topic

Create/Change a Topic


  •   definetopic.html

  • Java Class


  • Paths to this page

  •   Select Create New Topic from Topic List in Homebox
  •   Select Customize Topic from Search box




    WebZ Processing

    User Action

    Next Obi Action

    Topic Name Box

    Allows User to name the topic


    1. Enter Topic Name

    2. Check database name(s)

    3. Press Go

    Return to last screen: Database list or Search screen

    Database list

    Allows User to select databases

    Build list of all databases authorized for this user that are allowed for this Topic.

    Current databases checked if customizing topic.

    List built by saved in the entity: &CustomDatabaseList



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    Last Modified: August 31, 2007