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2000 OCLC SiteSearch User Meeting Presentations

During the 2000 OCLC SiteSearch User Meeting, SiteSearch users and OCLC staff presented the following session topics:

Select the appropriate session above to view a session description and links to the presentation materials below.

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Presentation Title Presenter(s) Description
Realizing the Vision: Improving Interoperability with Z39.50 Profiles Bill Moen, University of North Texas Discusses the role of Z39.50 profiles, such as ZTexas and Bath, in enhancing interoperability – the ability of users to search and retrieve information in a meaningful way and have confidence in the results. Z39.50 profiles represent a community consensus on requirements, identify Z39.50 specifications to support requirements, improve seaerch and retrieval results, aid in purchasing decisions, and provide specifications to vendors to build Z39.50 products.
Implementing User Authentication for a Statewide Initiative Mary-Elise Haug, INSPIRE (INdiana SPectrum of Information REsources) Describes implementing user authentication for INSPIRE, Indiana's virtual library on the Internet,.through the use of a proxy server and digital certificates. This approach allows INSPIRE staff to verify residency and maintain information about authorized users. INSPIRE is available to all Indiana residents, regardless of whether they have a library card or other institutional affiliation.
Out of Africa and Into Wisconsin: Using SiteSearch to Create a Special Collection Rose Smith, University of Wisconsin Discusses using WebZ and Database Builder to create Africa Focus: Sights and Sounds of a Continent. Africa Focus consists of digitized visual images and sounds of Africa contributed to the African Studies Program of the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Users can search the Africa Focus database by collection, country, keyword, or multiple criteria.
Alberta Library Interface Peter Binkley, Alberta Library Describes how the Alberta Library, a province-wide library consortium of academic and public libraries, is developing the Alberta Library Interface (ALI), a common interface to online resources. ALI's pilot projects include a centrally administered virtual union catalogue to be implemented with WebZ, a portal management system, and My Library. My Library will allow some customization of the ALI for individual libraries.
Planning a Campus-wide Course Materials Support System with SiteSearch Jennie McKee, Reed College

Describes Reed College's experience in using SiteSearch and Database Builder to develop the Course Materials Support System (CMSS). The CMSS is an integrated system for managing materials required for courses offered at Reed College. While the core of the CMSS is electronic reserves, it also encompasses book ordering, copyright clearance, electronic syllabi, and course packs. It includes local databases built with Database Builder and external databases. A customized WebZ interface is the front-end to these databases.

Coordinating Statewide Virtual Library Development: the Minnesota Experience David Barton, Minnesota Library Information Network (MnLINK) Describes the multi-year effort to create and implement MnLINK, a statewide information system that provides access throughout Minnesota to Minnesota's public, academic, government, special, and school library catalogs, selected commercial databases, and Web links of interest to Minnesotans.
Integrating a Statewide Web Gateway with Digital Collections Eric Weig and Beth Kraemer, University of Kentucky and Kentucky Commonwealth Virtual Library (KCVL) Discusses the development of the KCVL, which provides a single point of access to Kentucky library catalogs, commercial database access for all Kentucky citizens, a collection of state government information, and digital library collections. Describes KCVL's processes for developing production guidelines for digital library collections, creating metadata for digital resources, and scanning and imaging the digital resources.
Interface Design and Usability Testing Jeff Penka, OCLC

Uses a case study approach to interface design and usability testing based on the experience of the OCLC WebExpress team. Participants divided into small groups to consider a number of factors affecting interface design: development partners, tasks and issues to address, audiences, audience expectations, and system constraints.

In addition to the PowerPoint presentation, materials include HTML versions of usability design templates and additional resources.

Standards Development – Panel and Discussion

NISO Circulation Exchange Protocol

Ralph LeVan, OCLC
Dena Bovee, OCLC
Pat Stevens, OCLC

(NISO Circulation): Describes the process of and progress toward developing a circulation exchange protocol. This standard will provide a repertoire of messages and associated rules of syntax and semantics between and among computer-based applications to effect circulation and support controlled access to certain electronic resources or other library services.
Edinburgh Data and INformation Access (EDINA) Ben Soares, EDINA Provides a look at EDINA from political, organizational, and geographical viewpoints. Describes EDINA's geospatial and bibligraphic services, authentication, and user interfaces.


See Also

2000 SiteSearch User Meeting Agenda
2000 SiteSearch User Meeting Training Session
2000 SiteSearch User Meeting Attendees

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Last Modified: July 29, 2003