Main -> Community -> 2002 SiteSearch Open Source User Meeting -> Registration Form

2002 Open SiteSearch Open Source User Meeting
Registration Information

The 2002 OCLC SiteSearch™ Open Source User Meeting will take place from Thursday, May 2 to Friday, May 3, 2002 at OCLC's facilities in Dublin, Ohio. After reviewing the User Meeting agenda, please provide the information below to register for the User Meeting. Please email the information to Becky Hawk or call her directly at 1-. Fields and/or sections marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

We appreciate your interest and look forward to seeing you in May!

Registration is due by Friday, April 19, 2002.

 Contact Information

Please email the information to Becky Hawk or call her directly at 1-.

*Full Name
*Job Title
*Street Address
*Zip/Postal Code




 Registration Fee*

For questions regarding the User Meeting Agenda or anything about the Open Source User Meeting, please contact Stephanie Napier, OCLC SiteSearch Open Source Project Manager at .

 Open Source User Meeting Sessions (May 2-3)



 Breakout Sessions*
Attendees participate in breakout sessions with other SiteSearch users on Friday morning, May 3. These sessions are divided into Development and Administration tracks. Review the User Meeting Agenda and choose the sessions of one track to attend.
  Track 1: Development
Open Source developers meet to discuss design, development and implementation options for projects.
  Track 2: Adminstration
Open Source administrative track users meet to create governance framework.


 Method of Payment*

We accept payment by credit card or check, but do not accept purchase orders. For credit card payments, please provide all of the information indicated.

Credit Card

American Express

Card Number
(include dashes):

Expiration Date:


Cardholder's Name (as it appears on credit card):


Please submit your registration fee by check (drawn on a U.S. bank) to:

OCLC, Inc.
Attention: Becky Hawk
MC 730
6565 Frantz Road
Dublin, Ohio 43017

If you pay by check, we must receive the check by April 26, 2002.



Please include additional information about any special needs that you may have while you are at OCLC (e.g., vegetarian meals or physical disabilities).

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